
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 02:20:00
it was sunny and warm____ a.a great weather b.great a weather c.great weather d.great weathers ;知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者.出自论语第几页, 将习惯作为刑法的渊源,是否违背了罪刑法定原则的要求?原题见:李永升,《刑法总论》,法律出版社,2011版.第二章课后习题第4题. 知之者不如好之者——————————(论语) 关联词语的分类? 关联词语的怎么归类?有虽然...但是,既...又,宁可...也,一边...一边,只要...就,不是...就是,既然...就,不但...而且,或者...或者,只有...才,要是...就,即使...也,无论...都,因为..所以,如果...就.这些都 关联词语分别是什么?都有哪些?每个种类的都分清楚! 谁能帮我写出所有关联词语, 将下列关联词语按要求重新整理归类 a,art rooms,school,computer room,and there in,is my,(连词成句) 4-5个电动机总共200kw多大电流?选用多大的电流互感器? mapgis里面如何把线段转化为弧段 如何使使MAPGIS中的悬挂线段闭合? We don't need air in____.这里应该填什么 I e___ a letter from my brother You 'Re mY Brother ,From DiFeRent MothEr. I got a letter from my mother a week ago. 句意不变I ___ ___from my mother a week ago. He shook hia head and I knew he disagreed______what she said中间填什么介词? 阳子之宋"宿于逆旅”的逆,恶,通假字!一词多义!古今异义! sell反义词 google talk 怎么用呢? a flight attendant told us to keep calm .这句话中us后面是不是省略了that while we were waiting to land ,an airhostess told us to keep calm and to get off the plane quietly as soon as it had touched down.while we were waiting to land ,an airhostess told us to keep calm and to get off the plane quietly as soon as it ___ ___ 文言文阳子之宋请求翻译 He told us to keep _____(silence). 英语翻译阳子(即阳朱,战国初哲学家)之宋.宿于逆旅.逆旅人有妾二人,其一人美,其一人恶...安往而不爱哉?” 谁有的原文和译文啊?从中悟出什么道理啊? 侍弄的意思 mapgis下怎样显示弧段的长度 We should ( ) water when we play sports. 名字里有花的动漫人物 如四方茉莉 花满九州香四海的下联