
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/14 15:59:33
急!求英语大神解答 蒂凡尼的早餐 简介《蒂凡尼的早餐》 是不是根据小说改编的?如果是,小说名是什么? don't act like i never told ya rt~ 杜鲁门 卡坡特的《蒂凡尼的早餐》含有《夏日的十字路口》的是哪个出版社的版本? don't什么意思 关于beautiful things in the oceans(在海洋中的生物)有哪些快,有谁在30分钟之内回答的,记住要有中文最好有英文 还可有关于他的一段英语段落 急!以g开头的speaking的词组! Animals and people can get food from piants.Without piants life will not go on. stay by his side 为什么这样说,stay不是及物动词吗?不可以直接把by去掉吗?我看到很多动词后面都会加介词Looking ahead the OPEC secretariat forecast non-OPEC supply next year to grow by more than the demand for oil.这句 Talk your way into things是什么意思呢?还有Talk your way out of things这个又怎么讲? Let's talk() these things填介词! get和catch哪个语气强烈 "女人.你真傻"!谁能帮我翻译成英文呢? 在英文名中,中文“韵芝”怎样转换英文名?英文名可以合写一个单词嘛?可以怎样翻译成英文名?英文名读音 get with it 快点着手做某件该做的事 物理八年级下册第六章第三节-重力试验的试验报告关于弹簧测力计测量钩码的重力的试验的试验报告,怎么写啊,关于计算重力的,随便帮我写写, 什么是零和思维阿? Do you like to memorize your experiences by diary,taking pictures?头疼啊 马上就要考了 托福口语task2 80-100字即可 没有人知道吗? would you like to s____ your experiences with me. I would like to visit your diary.纠错 一个圆环立柱在地面上,被太阳斜射影子是什么 一个圆环立柱在地面上,被太阳斜射,影子是?在道题的原题是:一个圆环立柱在地面上,被太阳斜射,影子是( )A.园 B.线段 C.椭圆 do you like shopping tell us one of your shopping experiences用英语回答,快救命啊 要求:6句, 一个圆环自立地面,被太阳从顶上正射,影子是( )急! 求英语大神,很着急的 他们看起来很像 英语翻译 I'm amazed that she married him so soon.She ----him very well.Amustn't have knownBcan't have got to knowC didn't have to know Cneedn't have known 有人送我一件美国带来的化妆品,to use:dispense a generous amount of body lotion into palms and massage over entire body for velvety,soft skin.来人那…… 排除光线原因,瞳孔在什么情况下会散大?如题. photoshop中如何把模糊的线条变清晰如此一张图 怎么能搞得有矢量图的感觉? Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen,First of all ,I would like to extent a warm welcome to all of you joining us here today for the competition.And my title is I LOOK FORWARD TO LIBERTY.I don’t know if you have read a book which named I DON’T FOR with out