
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/01 08:46:01
Taking you to the ocean of happiness ,I am your captain of happiness,I am your captain.这句话...Taking you to the ocean of happiness ,I am your captain of happiness,I am your captain.这句话怎么翻译 Taking you to the ocean of happiness .I am your captain of happiness.I am your captain.怎么翻...Taking you to the ocean of happiness .I am your captain of happiness.I am your captain.怎么翻译?该把happiness翻译成幸福?还是翻译成快 I am as tall as (he,him)哪个√,还是都行,谢谢.一定要有理由. affairs ministry是什么意思 设a∈(0,1],曲线y=x平方与x平方+(y-a)平方=1的交点共有A1;B1或2;C2;D2或3 有没有描写性格的词?200分悬赏褒义贬义都可以,至少100个词语!抄袭也得有水平呀!前面有的就不要再复制了,要复制就复制其它地方的吧!(别复制已经回答了的)好的答案我可能会追加50分. what is the difference between civil and structural engineers? 翻译Civil engineers working in a number of different settings.意思是说土木工程师在数个“ ”工作? I think my keys are on the desk.改为否定句 I __ __ myI think my keys are on the desk.改为否定句I __ __ my keys are on the desk. Li Lei is tall;I am short.So he sits_______me in the classroom.介词 He is 165 cm tall,so he is( )166 cm tall.A.more than B.less than C.much than D.much more Who invented the first bike?将他翻译成中文,并说出是谁? 一列长为L的队伍在匀速前进,通讯员从队尾将一封信给队首的军官并立即返回队尾.通讯员速度大小不变,队伍走了3L求通信员走的路 第一大题第四小题, 讨论直线y=x+2与曲线y=根号4-x^2的交点个数 拉丁美洲指 Theusand of foreign people are learning Chinese.请问这句话错在哪里了? What do you want __(do) this summer holiday?I ___(has)no idea (1)my summer holiday (2)what should we do next term?两篇作文字数都在100左右, bent down 和 price on 和 splashed是什么意思? He bent down and camp up with a $20 bill."Son,you must have d___ this",the owner said. Do you hot or cold?这句子哪错了? 高一必修2物理都有哪几章,急 直线l1的斜率为2,l1//l2,直线l2过点(-1,1)且与y轴交于点P,则P点坐标为 圆心Q在x正半轴上,直线l1:3x+4y-8=0与圆Q相切,过点P(0,2)斜率为k的直线l2与圆Q相交于两点A和B圆的半径为2求圆Q的方程求实数k的取值范围是否存在常数k,使得向量OA+OB于PQ共线?如果存在求k,不存在 连词成句第二题.小学六年级英语.求高人赐教! 小学六年级英语,那部分最重要?请高人指点! 物理学霸!高一物理! 小弟今年高一,对物理有些着急,请各位学霸们帮帮我高一,物理最近上电学,前面的电势.电势能,场强.电压之类的总是弄不清楚,一做题就晕,不知从何下笔,特别是概念性的题,他们间的关系始终 已知直线l过点P(-1,3),且与x轴y轴正半轴分别交于A,B两点,当|PA|*|PB|,取得最小值时,直线l的斜率是 过P(1,4)作一直线,分别交x,y轴正半轴于AB两点,那么PA^2+PB^2取最小值时直线l的斜率 Let's have a c___ about water in group