
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/01 14:40:56
jungle gym jungle 字典里查不到,有谁知道? jungle gym怎么读 climbing,a jungle gym,on,they're and、games,placlimbing,a jungle gym,on,they're and、games,playing怎么订正 jungle gym的中文意思是什么? jungle we have a soccer game in our school on may 11th.ee you_____.(there的适当形式)we have a soccer game in our school on may 11th.see you_____.(there的适当形式) 求圆标准方程到直线方程的最近和最远距离圆:(x-5)平方+(y+3)平方=81直线:12X+10y-120=0 数学)与直线x=3相切,且与圆(x+1)^2+(y+1)=1相内切的半径最小的圆的方程是 our teachers have lunch at school改一般疑问句 2道一元二次方程题目1(9-4倍根号5)x^2 +(2-根号5)x-2=02已知方程19x^2 -2x+3m=4m^2有两个相等的实数根,解这个方程 1.-What is this in the picture -It is a ( ).-What is the time -It is ten ( )( ).2.-What ( )is it now?-It is ( )( )six.-Is it time( )( )TV?-( ),it is. 3.-Is it morning( )evening? -( )morning. -Is it a quarter to six? -( ),it is a quarter( )six 单项选择 What is this,plese?---It is UFO.A.a B.an C.the D\ 已知函数f(x)=(ax+1)/(bx-1)的反函数的对称中心为(2,1),则a= b= 1.函数Y=AX+B与它的反函数是同一函数,求A、B.2.函数Y=(AX+2)/(X-1)的图象关于直线Y=X对称,则A=? 英语翻译mother or another family member.Some people just choose a name that's popular at that time.Two hundred years ago,50% of baby boys in England were named William,John or Thomas,and 50% of baby girls were called Elizabeth,Mary or Anne.some o She left her son the name and address of his the name of william henry after his father and grandfather是什么意思 wirh the other name of father christmas 翻译顺 what is this?This is my photo.哪里错了? 质量数为37的cl和质量数为35的cl组成cl原子时的质量缺失 画()()色的成语 数学方程式总记不住怎么办? 求解方程 数学不好b方+b方分之一等于1 谢谢大神 一个长方形的长去掉4分米,宽不变,面积就减少12平方分米,剩下部分恰好是一个正方形.原来这个长方形的面积是()平方分米? paint a picture怎么造句? 用take a photo 造句,越多越好谢谢 用photo(照片)造句,有中文意思最好 如何提高数学成绩,方程 若函数y=1/2x+a与y=3-bx互为反函数,则a,b的值分别为多少. 已知y=2x+a与y=4-bx互为反函数,求a,b的值 1:质量为9KG的冰块,密度为0.9*10的三次方千克、立方米.(1)求冰块的体积.(2)若冰块吸热后,有3立方分米的冰溶化成水,求水的质量.2:把质量为2KG,地面积为400平方厘米的薄壁圆柱形容器放 y=2x-5/x-1(x属于R,且x≠1)的反函数怎么求