
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/16 18:05:11
在有余数的除法算式24÷口=口.3中,商可以有几种答案急用 在有余数的除法算式中24÷( )=( ),3中,商可以有( )几种答案? 在有余数的除法算式24/( )=( ).3 商有几种答案 急急急急急急急急急急急急急急 在有余数的除法算式36/( )=( ).4 中,商的可能性有( 以英语2人对话形式作文,主题:喜欢澳门与不喜欢澳门原因可用政治、美食、地方大小等等方面作答.(要用英语以2人不同观点的对话形式作答)以A为喜欢澳门、以B为不喜欢澳门.(要不少於20句, 为什么蜗牛会走的这么慢? 为什么蜗牛走的慢 已知定义在R上的偶函数f(x)在(-无穷,0】上为减函数,且f(1/2)=0,则不等式xf(x)>0的解集是? 已知f(x)是上R的偶函数,且在[0,+∞)上是减函数,f(a)=0(a>0),那么不等式xf(x那么不等式xf(x) 【1】4分之7x-5=8分之3 【2】2分之1x-7=6分之9x-2 【3】3分之2x+1-6分之5x-1=1 【4】10分之3[200+x]-10分之2[300-x]=300x25分之9 May I speak to Dick please?A.yes I'm B.yes speaking C.No l am not D.yes you can't速度。。ABCD哪儿个 蜗牛什么是睡觉,什么时候苏醒?在一天内给我答复, 怎么用方程解最后一题? 蜗牛一觉可以睡上多少年? 一题 证明 只需说出如何解即可 我国人口分布不均平均人口密度为每平方千米135人以?为界线东部人口密度大东南部沿海人口密度更大……我国人口分布不均,平均人口密度为每平方千米135人,为界线,东部人口密度大,东南部 法语ni…ni种冠词的用法 法语 “这些水” 用什么冠词?我是想问,部分冠词是不能表特指的,那“这些水”怎么说啊?直接 l'eau 还是 cet eau 不用复数吧? shyness means feeling frightened w___ you're around other people. I konw the feeling of ( )isn't good,but you can't( ) their attention with a strange style.A being ignored;drawB to be ignored ;focusC ignoring;payD the ignorance;fix要解析,比如说一下draw,focus,pay,fix这四个词与their attention的 When she was 12,she started feeling ( ) by the attention of the adult C.embarrassed D.embarrassWhen she was 12,she started feeling ( ) by the attention of the adult C.embarrassed D.embarrassing The people are frightened.That means the people are_____.选自 6.When she was 12, she started feeling _ by the attention of the adult6.When she was 12, she started feeling _ by the attention of the adult 已知AE=BF,求证OE=OF 1.圆0的直径CD=10cm,AB是圆0的弦,AB垂直CD,垂足为M,若OM:OC=3:5,求AB的长.2.已知圆0的半径是10cm,弦AB长为6cm,求弦AB的弦心距.OCM在同一直线上的``` coolest story ever told"Coolest story ever told" 中文怎样说? 1、在同圆或等圆中,如果两个圆周角相等,它们所对的弧一定相等.给出证明.2、半圆(或直径)所对的圆周角是直角,90°的圆周角所对的弦是直径.给出证明.3、圆内接四边形的对角互补.给出证 By law,when one makes a large purchase,he should have _______ opportunity to change his mind.(A) accurate (B) urgent (C) excessive(D) advertising By law,when one makes a large purchase,he would have () opportunity to change his idea.a、accurate b、urgent c、excessive d、adequate 选哪个 The change you wanted was rejected, 为了我们的将来去奋斗用英语怎么样说? 《采蒲台的苇》中写苇的作用