
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 03:54:07
请帮我找一篇约300字的介绍珠海的英文文章!200字好了…………300字太长了……………… 求一篇300字英文作文题目Chinese and Western Food要求Write an essay on the above topic by comparing or contrasting,to explain why western food(KFC) wins over Chinese food for Youth today. 励志的英语小短文,不超过50词有关学习的也可以励志的五个英语句子和短文 寻找一篇英文励志文章,学要1分钟内能读完的 励志英文文章不要太长,最好有译文. 简单的英语励志小短文10篇.要求:简单如(If...if...这样循环的文章)好读好记. 不能太短,长度也如一般.适中 内容励志(不要小故事)简单 求英语小短文,要优美点的.励志或是友情类的. 英语励志短文水平中等。中英文对照。五行左右。有关学习的。 找这篇关于真正友情的英文文章开头是这样的……just how popular was mini?very year,her classmates voted her as the favorite student. 英语翻译小弟刚上大学,英语课要求演讲,因学校环境关系篮球成风,顾想趁此机会宣传下足球运动,中文稿如下今天的演讲,我要为大家介绍一种精神。我叫***,有着非凡的身高。每每有 背下来后的时间是一分钟,越快越好,10月12日我来看.o(>_ Here I am alone on this Boeing 747.I am going to another country to go to school.I am happy and excited.But I am also lonely.My family and my friends are at home.I am up here in the sky,halfway over an ocean.I am not afraid,but I am worried.What will 英语翻译U1的 3a,题目是How do you learn best?开头是This week we asked students at New Star.结束是she said知道这篇文章吗?知道的吧,请把这整篇文章翻译成中文,尽快因为我英语烂到家,对一般人很简单就是 Here I am alone on this Boeing 747.I am going to another country to go to school.I am happy and excited.But I am also lonely.My family and my friends are at home.I am up here in the sky,halfway over an ocean.I am not afraid,but I am worried.What will 求下面文章的英文翻译,5分钟之内完成,谢谢!我的老师 我有一个老师,她性江,也是我们学校的校长,她全名江灵娟,她长的挺高,她的头发又长又黑,教我们知实的时候十分严肃,下课时就不 英语小短文,五分钟左右读完.带翻译 英语翻译My name is Alice Thompson.I come from Sydney,Australia and I'm 18 years old.Recently I had my first ride on a long-distance train.And what a ride!A friend and I travelled on the famous Ghan train.We got on in Sydney and we got off in Alic 英语翻译《一》 :Today ,people all over the world are moving out of small village ,and they are moving to live in big noisy cities ,This is the movenment from the country to the cities ,It has been going on for over two hundred yeras.In many 英语翻译:一位来自上海外国语大学的女生,因为这篇文章,在一次英语演讲大赛中获得冠军 英语翻译求一篇英语自我介绍演讲稿.介绍自己还有自己的家庭好朋友等等 英语翻译并写出主旨.Yesterday I saw a fashion show in residential channel.Many beauties wore beautiful and fashionable long coats ,swaying in the T-Stage.Despite of their beauty or well-designed clothes,animals or our friends (animals) are vi 英语翻译今天我演讲的题目是:智慧是开启问题的钥匙,我们要做钥匙的主人.小时候爸爸给我讲过一个曹冲称象的故事,对幼年的曹冲能想到如此巧妙的办法又快又准确地算出大象的重量敬佩 英语翻译London has a population of about 7,000,000.From about 1800 until World War Two,London was the biggest city in the world,but now there are many cities which are much bigger.London is famous for many things.Tourists come from all over the w 英语翻译何谓之英雄?“所谓英雄,就是做到了自己力所能及的事的人.”罗曼.罗兰如是说.也许英雄就是个那么平凡的人,并非每个都有着惊天动地的壮举,但必定是让人可敬可佩的人.然而许久 英语翻译要参加英语演讲.求翻译 上周参加道德故事演讲会,在比赛中忘词啊怎么的很紧张什么的.内容自己添加.600词左右适合高中生~ 求合理的翻译,英文小故事•爱因斯坦小时候十分贪玩.母亲再三告诫他:“不能再这样下去了.”爱因斯坦总是不以然地回答说:“你瞧瞧我的伙伴们,他们不都和我一样吗?”有一天,父亲给 英语翻译如题写得好的有追分! 英语翻译求救啊 英语翻译大约100词 英语翻译 30秒的英语故事只要三十秒,类似小笑话之类的二十分钟内给我的私下必感谢! 英语翻译一班.名字用xxx代替,还要翻译啊