
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 04:41:20
liked better than Well,Billy has done a lot of work on the engineon the engine是状语还是定语还是宾补?如何区分宾语后的状语、定语、宾补? 这时串联电路还是并联电路 谁能告诉我这是串联电路还是并联电路,为什么 概念 推理 判断 是哲学中的感性认识还是理性认识 这个是并联电路还是串联电路? 从哲学基础知识上比较感性认识和理性认识的区别和联系? 亚洲与欧洲之间分界线 有一种海洋生物生了宝宝就死了---是哪个有一种生物,生活在海洋里,她们生宝宝的时候,宝宝出生了他们也死了,因为宝宝要把他的内脏全部吃掉才出来,等宝宝出来的时候她只剩下一个空壳. 填空:( No,he hasn't been to work today.He's been to the doctor's. Diane hasn't been at work yesterday.这句话怎么改正? 英语翻译W:Well,he hasn't been himself lately.M:Is he still upset about the job?W:Yes,he was really disappointed.M:He can't go on being depressed forever .He has to start looking for something else. He is so absorb in the work that he hasn't had a bite since monring.翻译 水草菊花藻怎么繁殖? 海洋生物球分公母吗 the job is well done请问是被动语态 还是?the job is done well NO JOB is finished until the paperwork is done the teacher wants this job to done/this job done/that this job is done说明选择原因 i am doing the job.the job is done by me.应该把非谓语形式的结构看成表语,还是应该和be动词连着一起看成一个谓语? 100w的增压循环小泵一天用多少电 海洋生物球是活的么?小时候在校门口有卖的,像胶皮球,但被小贩说的像有生命似的,还能下崽之类的,会长大,它真的有生命么,还是小贩胡说的, 冷热水加压泵给太阳能热器加压如何装法 merge into / integrate into 的区别 integrate with the world market是什么意思 computers of different makes that integrate with each otherof different后无名词 咋能这样,make that变成从句了?没见过这样的句,请讲讲结构 英语翻译麻烦还有这句,as well as to keep them busy so that they do not choose to get into trouble 如何理解感性认识与理性认识的相互关系? 水泵电费计算.在线等家里用三个水泵.都是24小时开着的,两个三合一水泵.都是12w.还有一个低水位4w.加起来28w,电费一个月0.56.现在问一个月多少电费,我妈非得讲一个月要30.40请各位大神解答, 如何理解感性认识和理性认识的辩证统一 下列能统治我国江南地区A、黄帝 B、西周 C、夏 D、商 Perhaps no longer belong to us Tomorrow you no longer belong to me,but I still afraid to lose you!