
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/20 09:47:54
α-C原子、β-C原子是什么意思?生物化学中有个“饱和偶碳脂肪酸的β-氧化”,能结合化学方程式说就更谢谢了.也可以直接告诉我α-C原子、β-C原子是什么意思 香烟可以用来熏蚊子吗? 我家靠近合肥发电厂,请问一下发电厂出来的烟有毒吗(过顺便说一下,如果离发电厂过近的话最好考虑一下电磁辐射的危害,如果家里有孕妇或者小孩子什么的最好换个地方住.果家里有孕妇或 this is the hotel()we stayed last summer为什么填where 后面不是缺个介词吗,缺成分不是用关系代词吗 This is the hotel____ last month This is the hotel____ last month 1.which they stayed 2.at that theThis is the hotel____ last month 1.which they stayed 2.at that they stayed3.where there stayed at4.where they stayed要不要加at? this is the hotel (where they stayed) last day.为什么用where?用which呢?这句看上去很像定语从句..该如何区分呢?the place (which) attracted me most was…… This is the hotel____ last month1.which they stayed2.at that they stayed3.where there stayed at4.where they stayed要不要加at? 脂肪化合物 苯的同系物 脂环化合物 芳香烃 芳香族 芳香化合物 都指的是什么?简单的说说,都是什么,然后给随便给一个结构式怎么能判断他们都属于上述的哪一类?答案要精练的. 有机原子共面有什么意义? 首次将量子化概念应用到原子结构,并解释了原子稳定性的科学家.有助于回答者给出准确的答案 GPS卫星定位系统中建立GPS时间系统的必要性和原子时是如何定义的? 首次将量子力学化概念应用到原子结构,并解释了原子稳定性的科学家!是哪一个:道尔顿,爱因斯坦,波尔,普朗克. 请问各位大虾,pvc管当水管用有毒吗? pvc管种菜有毒吗 有的食品中有个小袋里面有的装有还原铁粉 ,还原铁粉有什么作用 Whom is this summer camp 不好意思打错了so就不用答了 is this old castle()i visited last summer vacation?为什么不能填where This was the place ( )last summer holidays.答案中有where I visited和which I visited.我选的where I visited,但是答案给的是which I visited.为什么会用which呢? 聚氯乙烯PVC有毒吗,能用作生活给水管道吗 聚氯乙烯树脂粉末有毒么 竞争战略是只有波特提出的三种吗? m·波特《竞争战略》总共有多少页? he had at last been allowed to send a fax in which he informed the editor that he had beenarrested while counting the 1084 steps leading to the fifteen-foots wall which surrounded the president's palace.怎么理解in which I wondered if that last time he came by had been the last I'd ever see of him.翻译 He had at last been allowed to send a fax in which he informed the editor that.a fax 充当从句中的什么成分?定语还是状语?为什么?从逻辑上是in the fax是吧~ When I moved into the new house,I felt that the happy life I had been dreaming of( )at lastA.coming B.having come C.came D.would come该题正确答案应选C,请解释一下原因,说明其他几项为什么不对,谢谢 英语高手帮我翻译下这句话:let this be my last word that i trust in thy love:麻烦下…谢谢 把混有少量氧化铜的铁粉加入一定量的稀硫酸中微热,反应停止后过滤,滤纸上有____,滤液为______请讲清原因,谢谢. 在混有少量氧化铜的铁粉中加入一定量的稀硫酸,反应后铁粉有剩余,则溶液中一定含有 A.CuSO4b.CuSO4、FeSO4 c.FeSO4 DFe2(SO4)3 铁粉中混有少量氧化铜杂质,把此铁粉放在一定量稀硫酸中,充分反应后容器底部尚有铁粉剩余,则存在于溶液里的金属阳离子 ( ) A.肯定是Cu2+和Fe2+ B.肯定是Cu2+,可能有Fe2+ C.肯定是Fe2+, (1)改造设计后的电话机大受欢迎 (2)电话机市场竞争日益激烈 (3)某厂效益明显好转 (4)调整电话机的生产策略A.1—4—2—3—5B.2—5—4—1—3C.2—4—3—5—1D.4—2—1—3—5(1)改造设计后的电话机 英语翻译Glider Skin like tightPale in whiteYou'll dress like this just onceSo turn aroundWave your handWe're frozen where we standSo cling to meAnd I will leadI will guide you this timeThe words you sayEcho in my headYou touched my skin now I gli