
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 11:36:49
how to understand this?end of philosphy and beginning of art.is philosphy dead?why?in the west,nobody mentions Marx and Hegel,fewer and fewer people are interested in andstudies their philosphy,is that true? 各界人士欢迎孙中山赴南京高呼共和万岁这说明了什么 I feel excited after I ______(跑)for twenty minutes.His eyesighy(视力)is not very____(好)第二题填good还是well "江东父老"一词是怎么来的? 中国还会出现像孙中山那样的人吗? (5/6) care .I will never be lost .or never again wonder what love really "候"字与"侯"字怎么区分?他们的意思常用词怎么区分啊?老是混起来~^-^谢谢了,答好一定悬赏.拉勾勾~ “侯”字和“候”字的区别和用法 汉字中“候”和“侯”的差别汉字中有“候”和“侯”这两个字,本来一直以为是一个字,后来才知道两个都有,但是这两个只有什么差别,分别在什么情况下用呢? 项羽本纪中兵败江东时看见司马童时原文有一句话“若非无故人乎?”马童面之. 《平民总统孙中山》孙中山为什么既不喜欢中国的长袍马褂,也不爱西服洋装? 文章【平民总统孙中山】 求答案 《平民总统孙中山》为什么不选取一些国家大事,反而选取孙中山一些日常生活中的小事?《平民总统孙中山》为什么不选取一些国家大事,反而选取孙中山一些日常生活中的小事去说明他的性 平民总统孙中山的阅读答案 instead of后面什么时候必须加by?He went to work on foot ___bike.instead of 和 instead of by两个选项同时出现,答案给的是instead of by而不是instead of,为什么? 一道介词选择( ) 1.-Can I look up a word____ your dictionary?-I haven't got____me.A.into; about B.in; with C.at; in D.on; on instead of 后面可以接代替时间吗如 time is today instead of tomorrow,时间是今天代替明天 prefer to do instead of ...怎么用?请举个例子!.. There is no doubt I just love you at presant,but I don't think I just belong you . except 与 instead of 的区别,并举例具体应该怎样用 请有识之士讲解一下instead of和rather than用法的区别,最好举几个例子. instead of 的用法 already 和ever有何不同? All the students are here _e___jim because of he is ill in hospital (完形填空)用适当的介词填空.He is short ___ brown hair.The school is ___ his home,so he goes there ___ foot and comes back home ___ time.(按时) 填写介词!.We climbed ___________some hills and got ____________a small village. 用瑕组词最好多一点 瑕可以组什么词我急求瑕字的组词,请在今天内完成 什么手机管家好 哪个手机管家好用 英语六级完形填空 考察bear的介词搭配,四个选项为by;with;in;at 请问,bear in 原文为:Some research surports the idea that women bring different attitudes and skills to management jobs,such as greater cooperativeness,an empasis o must,can,have to,would like,may 句型转换的区别 都是情态动词啊