
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 05:05:52
f(x)=3x²+5x-2,求f(a) f(a+1) 设f(x)=5x²-4,则f(2)=( ),f(x+1)=( 跪求拜伦的诗(中英对照版)和梭罗的名言(中英对照版)希望能有中英对照的 谢了~ f(x)=-x²+5x+1的递进区间是求过程、求看懂,不要只给答案 “有什么想法说出来,不要把理想带进坟墓”(梭罗的名言)的英文 梭罗的《瓦尔登湖》谁译的好?读过的朋友谈谈吧~ The teacher told me not to play with fire a_____. the students did as their teacher told them主句句子完整吗? 谁是自己最亲近的人对自己好的人是自己最亲近的人 老师要求写一篇水果拼盘的作文.写了一个开头,步骤怎么写,要具体些,形象些,最好用上好词好句.步骤不得少于300字.整篇的话,至少450字. "One is not born into the world to do everything,but to do something."是梭罗的哪部作品中的话?如果能指出更具体的出处更好. 梭罗写的潜水鱼这篇文章讲什么? 有推荐的梭罗的好作品吗有谁看过很多亨利.大卫.梭罗的作品吗?听说他的作品很不错.要经典中的经典的 哪个不是梭罗的作品.A 瓦尔登湖 B 一个苹果,两种人生 C 我生活的地方,我人生的目标 D 康科德河和梅里麦克河上的一星期 It is better to be a good listener than a good talker?英语作文 字数不要求很多 next,Sunday,Let's,visit,grandparents,our怎么连成句子? Is her telephone number 87605904?_________________.A.That’s all right.B.Yes,she is.C.All right.D.Of course 英语怎样复习才有效果 考研政治如何复习?我是理学,没有太多时间背诵,如何有效地掌握知识点和拿高分?我报了个高联的辅导班,感觉老师就是照着讲义念,其实我自己也能看懂,听他念一遍感觉也没记住多少,难道需 怎么提高商务英语,我没有多少时间紧补习班 用括号内的单词适当形式填空:The teacher told him ___(not be)late any more 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,The teacher wants us _______(clean) the classroom.I 'm very happy because the Spring Festival is _____(come)up.Today is ______(Sandy)birthday.Hobo______(need)Eddie_______(help)him.英 where is Tim?"_(ask)the teacher用括号内所给词的用适当的形式填空 The reason ____we were late was that the train did not come on time.A.that B.which C.what D.why 正确答案是D 为什么选D,能不能分析一下这个句子是什么从句,还有后面的was that Our teacher told us _____(not) go to bed late 在横线上填入括号内单词的适当形式 what is< > telephone number What is _____telephone number?____telephone number is 886-6779.A、your,Your B、his,He C、his,His D、your,I 根据字的不同意思选造三个句子绝:(1)断绝.(2)完全没有了;穷尽.(3)走不通的.(4)独一无二的、没有人能赶上的.(5)极、最(6)绝对1.2.3. Good fame is better than a good face. 如何复习高一落下的内容?高二该怎么规划? ()''Why are you so late?'' ''The strees were very crowded because there was a car accident,''He said,()''Why are you so late?'' ''The strees were very crowded because there was a car accident,'' I answered. ''That ok . Let's go home'' 选择:A kind _____ is better than a good faceA.eyeB.earC.heartD.hand说下理由.