
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/01 09:56:34
英语翻译快 This is the blank page. This page intentionally left blank.我知道 这句的意思.这句的语法..谁能 讲讲? 英语翻译 -----,she was not ----- hurt.A.lucky;badiy B.luck;bad C.luckily;badly D.luckily;bad为什么 Luckily,she wasn't badly hurt.这个句子不怎么懂啊,hurt在这是形容词吧,为什么badly放中间呢? ()she hurt?yes,badly为什么用was?did为什么不行 when i g____ to her place, she was still lying on the ground.luckily,she was not badly hurtwhen we came back to our classroom, our teacher came i____ the classroom and said to us," be more careful next time if you want to try again." 以患难见真情为题写一篇英语作文不用太长 一个正常的外国人,或者具体点说,一个正常美国人,一般拥有多少词汇量.上过大学的不要猜测,知道的说。我感觉绝对不止一万以上,应该至少能到两万吧,我在网上常看很多外国人的日记。 我的词汇量已达到托福程度,语感也很好,但每每想和老外交流时就说不出句子,我该怎么做去提升交流能力啊 怎样学好英语,语法较模糊,词汇量一般,听力一般,写作一般,但我想能流利说出英语,能和外国人交流,能 Five years ago 请问学完新概念第二册再加一些词汇量能和老外日常交流吗? 英语学习方法我今年初三,正是复习的时间,买了一本辅导书,英语语法题与基础知识都可以写出来.书上提到的我忘记的基础却怎么也背不过,这样的话后面跟着的题很生,做出来也感觉掌握的不 有什么好的学习方法?就是给你一个词,有某一部分划线的,让你从ABCD中选一个与划线部分读音相同的.这类题我总是做错,差不多得有一半了.我发现我读例词时不容易读准.有什么方法或者窍门, they her perhaps are mother's连词成句 My heart is hot.You tell me love is cold 急 歌词里是doyou really want my love,tell me 什么read my heart,beat sweet,急用 英语能达到正常沟通地多长时间我是男生 20岁 我想六日学 我地多长时间能学会啊 我地上班只能六日 正常说话是什么级别.地几年啊 用英语交流大概要到几级 怎么才能达到用英语交流? 帮忙翻译一下Oliver Stritzel和Timothy Peach这两个英文名 翻译:他们是五年前认识的,They__ ___ ___each other five years ago A:who called you (j ) now?B:my aunt did.she (t ) me to buy some dog food in a store.A:are they keeping a pet dog?B:yes.because their only son works in (a ) city and something they feei lonely.Looking (a ) a pet dog is their (h ) now.A:They love the p 1.Sometimes the ads ____ but don't tell you anying about the quality of the product.A.look well B.sound good C.taste god D.seem bad 2.---Tell me ___ about Brother Sharp,please.---He was a beggar.He because of his cool appearance and dressing style.A. Most of ( )ads don't tell you anything real 不填 ,而我认为是定冠词the 为什么Most of ( )ads don't tell you anything real 不填 ,而我认为是定冠词the 为什么? 有关马来西亚的问题 tell me sometimes about stereotypes in Malaysiatell me something about stereotypes in Malaysia谁还能告诉我马来西亚是也集体主义国家还是个人主义国家 Don't forget me,I'll miss you什么意思 莉莉四年前就会骑自行车了翻译 Lily ___ ___ ___ ride a bike four years ago. 幸运的英文是什么 coming soon 有原形形式吗 (come soon)如果有 两个有什么不同