
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 07:09:22
How to put you left hand where your right hand can"t reach it?英语高手快来帮忙! Can you write ( ) your left hand?填with ,of,about,on 开头是put your hand to the left side of your chest .短文短文,1楼你还是理解错了,是找一篇 开头是put your hand to the left side of your chest .短文 what can you hold in your left hand but you can never hold in your right hand 英语翻译一定要阳光的! 女生英语网名,还要翻译,不要爱情谢谢 立志的英文网名,谁能给推荐几个最好要美化过的3Q啦 小草有什么特点,小草象征这什么 英语翻译请各位大侠用英文翻译下 "东南亚美食街" Where is your hand where's your hand?可不可以翻译成‘掌声在哪里?’. Where is your hand 怎么回答 Sunday什么意思? Sunday的意思 sunday 的寓意是什么? 给“佳星”起个英文名字不要泛滥的那种,要个比较个性的 我的名是佳,应该取什么英文名呢? 帮我起个英文名,佳桐,女生名哈, 谁能帮我起个佳若的谐音英文名谁能帮我起个谐音是佳若的英文名?最好能酷一些,男女名都行,请一个词就OK了, 要连词成句 me your left hand s要连词成句 me your left hand show right,tiuchi,left,your,leg,with,hand,your连词成句第二个英文是:touch put,hands,please,up,your,class(连词成句),怎么连词成句?英语难度等级是小学的.聪明的你们,一定可以. english 连词成句hand,put,your,eat,on 找歌达人帮忙啊:put your hands on my shoulder小弟只知道开头的一句歌词是这样:put your hands on my shoulder,真好听啊,)谢谢breaking超大哥,我还想请问一下有没有这首歌的下载地址啊:) 空手道、跆拳道、柔道哪个好?如题 today i am really busy ,but i'm f___ tomorrow Shi is really busy today.改为感叹句____busy ____ ____today! My father is really busy today.改为一般疑问句.(   )(  )father really busy today?1My father is really busy today.改为一般疑问句.( )( )father really busy today? 2 Why does he likes art?这个句子 请问中文名叫佳,英文名取什么好 中文名字“佳” 女生 想起个英文名 想起个谐音的好听的英文名 我中文名字叫静,帮我取个英文名字.要好听的 Sunday代表什么含义?