
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/20 09:17:29
英译汉,一小段话I guess we do not know each other before previous email.Could I use English for communication since typing in English is efficient and convenient for me?It is probablly only by imagination! 英译汉一小段话The larger malsters and beverage producers such as Yanjin and Tsingtao have still imported some considerable volumes but initially in bulk as the freight differential made containers less competitive.Recently bulk ocean freight r 英译汉,一小段.“ I was early taught to work as well as play,My life has been one long,happy holiday; Full of work and full of play- I dropped the worry on the way- And God was good to me everyday.” 桥梁工程的W/C是什么意思 一小段英译汉,谢谢American culture encompasses literature, faith, holidays, cuisine, sports, science, fashion, music, visual arts and innovations developed both domestically and imported via colonization and immigration.翻译成中文,谢谢, 桥梁工程里背索是什么意思?RT 桥梁工程中“m/座”表示什么意思? 粗鲁的反义词 粗鲁的反义词是什么? 粗暴的反义词 粗暴的反义词是什么 粗暴 的反义词是啥 陈太丘简介简便点的 麻烦问下6×40m的桥梁工程代表什么意思?这里的6和40分别指什么 请问诗人写的孝顺诗句有哪些? 求常数k,使得函数f(x)={ (1+kx)^1/x (x>o) 2 (x 陈太丘和元方的关系是 写三个三单的否定句? 写个双层否定句 为了更好地造福我们的子孙后代.仿写双重否定句为了更好地造福我们的子孙后代,我们不能不保护地球的生态环境。仿写双重否定句 the city's bright lights,theatres films are attractions that are hard to avoid.怎么译? fore-most是什么意思 Unshielded lights that are not pointed downward. 陈太丘与期行 哪种品质值得学习 下面诗句与诗人对应完全正确的一组是( )A.平明寻白羽,没在石林中.(唐·卢纶)B.遥望洞庭山水色,白银盘里一青螺.(唐·刘禹锡)C.姑苏城外寒山寺,夜半钟声到客船.(唐·杜牧)D.黄沙百 把下列句子补充完整:1.,不得不在家休息 2.无数诗人1.,不得不在家休息2.无数诗人附加:1他像2 ,读起来妙趣横生 3句英译汉1.I don't believe you're sorry.2.That was clumsy of me!3.O.K.O.K Enough is enough.I accept your apologies. the places you have visited ----(mark)in bright purple 用所给单词的适当形式填空 一段英译汉Bill: I work for the American Central Bank.How about you?Lisa: I'm an artist,and I was asked to bring over some of my works a small gallery just near here. 点D,O,C在一条直线上,OE是角AOD的平分线,角DOB=65度,且角DOB与角AOC互余,求角AOE的度数. 如图4-86,点DOC在一条直线上,OE是∠AOD的平分线,∠DOB=65°,且∠DOB与∠AOC互余,求∠AOE的度数 请问在西汉汉武帝时期,一顷地相当于现在的多少亩?多少平方公里?