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快乐5+2 一年级语文(上)第五单元第六题答案第六题,看图写反义词此处为图 苹果一个 草莓一个 此处为图:两朵花 3乘3排列的五角星苹果 花儿草莓 快乐5+2语文6年级上第8课答案 talk about the trip ( )China为什么用to 为什么不能用in How to plan the first trip in china?A Pakistan nice guy who lives in England asked me a good route for his first trip in china.Who can provide a nice visit route for him?(e.g.which cities,which places.) His trip will be two weeks. after a knock at the door,the child heard his mother' voice____him.A.to call B.calling C.called D.being called 素质教育2011年秋语文版初二年语文练习卷(七) 有关英语语法的两个问题Choose the best endings for sentences 1-8.4.What are you doing a.to your sister when she behaves badly?b.to your sister?Leave her alone!7.The company's finacial a.now that it has a new Chief Executive.situation is imp 我女儿学英语,有个听力的英语故事,The Ugly Duckling ,找这个的音频或视频文件开头是这样的:Mummy duck has got one…two…three…four…five…six…seven eggs!结尾是这样的:And he isn’t an ugly duckling!He’s 两个关于英语语法的问题.翻译并解释所包含的语法用法. Remember me to your mother. 2.(it is)(there is)someone at the door.选哪个?及为什么选?谢谢! 翻译:丑小鸭变成了白天鹅,The ugiy duckling _____ _____ a white swan 英语翻译二.用介词填空,并翻译成中文There are many shells__the sad.At last,the mouse goes back___its hole.Henry the dog walks__the road.He is playing__his shadow.'What's that?' ask two__the boys.三.按实际情况回答问 英语翻译The ugly duckling Ugly duckling don't be sad quack quack quack glad glad glad pretty birds swim on a lake you'll be pretty when you wake 郦道元的《水经注》对后世影响极大,许多写山水的作品都深受其影响.请就你所了解的古诗文,举一例加以说明.我来帮他解答 郦道元的《水经注》对后世影响极大,许多写山水的作品都深受其影响.就你所了解的古诗文,举一例加以说明 甲数-乙数=28,那么,(甲数+6)-(乙数+6)=( ) 孤峰突起成语接龙 小学四年级作文150字 150字作文四年级 The only way to find another is to let go and move on. 中文 I won’t make the ______ mistake next time.急 A.like B.same C.near D.different 雅思水平.what kind of transportation do you take for traveling?请来个示范. have a guess成立吗? I hope you have a______【轻松的】day hope you have a lucky day 还是hoping you have a Lucky day求hope 的用法 雅思口语 What kind of cookery is useful?part 1的题目,求教这个题怎么答好 study的中文 study skills period 6的中文意思 据报道,某年3月9日,我国的科考队员在中国北极黄河站78N,11E,观看了极夜后的首次日出,回答下面几题.1.当日,科考队员在黄河站看到日出时,北京时间约为( )A 10时 B 13时 C 16时 D 19时2.当日,日 英语翻译he found the unwelcome passenger hidden near the wheel at the back of the car. 颐和园的各种景物名称颐和园里所有景物的名称都是什么 英语翻译 Plant water relations