
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/06 01:58:47
高一地理太阳黑子和耀斑扰乱地球电离层是耀斑还是太阳黑子造成的?我在网上查询说的是耀斑发出的强大的短波辐射,会造成地球电离层的急剧变化,但是我觉得太阳黑子才是主要原因,他会扰 “买椟还珠”现在说明的是什么道理? I'm sorry,but there's no smoking on this flight Oh,I___that.sorry,I won't againI'm sorry,but there's no smoking on this flightOh,I___that.sorry,I won't again A.don’t know B.didn’t know C.won’t know D.haven’t known 题目说选B.选D 文言文 买椟还珠道理 买椟还珠告诉我们什么道理?用哪个成语概括? liu xiang ____by his xoach to train regulargy.A.was told B.was advised Liu xiang will be advised by his coach how to be a great sportman.这个句子咋翻呀?很急的,帮帮忙! 太阳活动中的黑子和耀斑的区别 英语翻译国外少数人主张偏激的动物保护观点,反对动物利用和反对使用实验动物,认为这样才能达到保护动物的目的.事实上这种观点是片面的,从本质上讲,这 并不能有效地保护动物.  人类 英语翻译黏胶纤维又称人造棉,是一种再生纤维素纤维,以天然纤维素为原料经湿法纺丝而制成,具有皮芯层结构,因其优良的服用性能,广泛应用于染整行业,特别是活性印花工艺中,产品深受消费 英语翻译There is a sense only of their ownI own feelings kaleidoscope than done,their sense of spiritual soul than done,no matter what kind of different and the difference would affect my feelings,my emotions are.I find,very free and easy,will na 在△ABC中,向量AR=2RB,向量CP=2PR,若向量AP=mAB+nAC,则m+n 求一篇有关困难的英语文章要求能演讲有技术含量注意是英语 伊索寓言农夫和蛇告诉我们一个什么道理? 求翻译,.You get there early 各类太阳活动的内在联系,如太阳黑子多,耀斑也多是怎么回事? 一段英语短文章我有几个问题麻烦大家看看William S.Hart was,perhaps,the greatest of all Western stars,for unlike Gary Cooper and John Wayne he appeared in nothing but Westerns.From 1914 to 1924 he was supreme and unchallenged.It was H 麻烦翻一下英文作文- -~~千万别拿电脑翻译...!题目:The environmental protection at home要求有这几点:该做的:use solar water heater,collect paper and bottles ande sell them.等等..不该做的:use electric water heater 清澈的眼睛用英语怎么说 清澈用英语怎么说? 她仍然拥有清澈单纯的眼睛,用英语怎么说? 草是绿的,树是成阴的,水是清澈的 用英语怎么说 英语翻译中间只有两个空..... what has she/he got?翻译成中文是什么啊? is there any difference beteen your ieda and ___选择1.he 2.his 3.him 4.her说出原因 设P是三角形ABC内一点(不包括边界),且向量AP=mAB+nAC(m,n属于R),则m平方+n平方-2m-2n+3的范围是?答案为(3/2,3)详解 When is the Mid-Autumn Day?_________________________ 因为湖水很清澈用英语怎么说?作文需要 湖水清澈用英语怎么说 Our Engush teacher leaves the classroom so quickly.She___have something important to do.A must B can C mayD will When is the school film on?It's on ____ Friday evening.on ,in ,at ,toIt's on 前面都有了个on了,再加多个上去不觉得多余? did you go out ___friday evening A.in B.at C.on D.for