
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/05 15:47:14
为什么公路车上写着mountain bike的字样? 英语翻译哪位大大知道Another brick in the wall中像希特勒演讲一样暴动震撼的那两句话的英文和翻译?不是歌词,就是飞机声过后的那一句,还有半路的那句,以及结尾的那句.找了一年了,哪也找不到 You Yes You Stand Still Laddie!When we grew up and went to school there were certain teachers who would hurt the children anyway they couldby pouring their derision upon anything we didexposing any weakness however carefully hidden by the kids Out in 用英语翻译mountain bike orienteering Another Brick in the Wall III 的英文歌词英文的 最好有翻译 another brick in the wall 歌词 50 do you think that I should enter for the competition 为什么不可以用whether Do YOU THINK THAT 和 DO YOU THINK WHETHER 后加句子的区别 聪明如你,用英语怎么说 ‘你看见过大海吗?’用英语怎么说? 我喜欢大海,因为大海有伟大的胸怀;我喜欢大海,因为_________;我喜欢大海,因为_______.仿写句子 我喜欢大海 英文 Mary didn't like the present,did she?A.Yes,she did.B.No,she didn't.C.no,she did要是表示“不,她喜欢”的话应该是选哪一项? 改错--Mary didn't come,did she?--Yes,she comes. Mary tasted the two cakes,and said that she didn't like ______.A.neither B.anyC.eitherD.both mary keeps talking about the party ,she had a very good time,didn't she?为什么用didn't而不是 hadn't? 初一上学期文言文《三峡》习题,课文写三峡四时风光,为什么从“山”写起?为什么不按春夏秋冬的顺序来写? 妈的 英语怎么说 mp3 我的梦想是拥有一辆新的自行车 英语 妈的英语怎么说 why do you think she should get a work这句话错哪了 1.do you think a girl should marry someone who is much older or younger than she is?2.do you think a girl should share the expenses or let the boy pay the bill?麻烦各位用英语发表下意见啦...说明下下原因哦... homework I she own her think should do 用这个造句 -Do you think the fish tastes_____?-She cooked_____,I thinkAgood,good Bwell,good Cwell,well Dgood,well “去年我妈妈在我过生日时给我买了一辆新自行车.”的英语怎么说? 妈的 用英语怎么说 “你妈妈的头发是什么颜色的?”用英语怎么说? 谁能教教我音标 《钱塘湖春行》中,写诗人陶醉于美丽春色,流连忘返的句子是_________,__________.直抒胸臆,表达作者喜悦性情的句子________________,____________________.王湾《次北固山下》中炼字最好的一联______________ 例词:children 音标 [‘tfildrən] 其中il发什么音?dr是不是发"举"音?谢谢你们不厌其烦地教导! 例词:today[tə'dei] 为什么音标tə 发音会变成tu? 号殿上虎翻译