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英语翻译表用翻译器哦~最后一句改成 讨厌自己变得越来越像他 请问下,德语和英语的语法有啥不同呢,哪个好学呢? 英语选择合适的动词并用其正确的时态完成下列句子wear / work / be / repair / build1.The little girl’s wish ___to make sick children better.2.Our mager makes sure the builders _____the blocks properly.3.Most students have to ____ 中文翻译One way to lead a healthy life is to give way to overuse of medicine. One way to lead a healthy life is to give way to overuse of medicine汉语翻译 最后一课阅读答案.阅读从"接着,韩麦尔先生从这一件事谈到那一件事... what do you particularly want to see when you travel in other countries?写一段文章,200字左右. .It's expensive _______(travel)to other countries 单词适当形式 讲解:Every summer,hundreds of thousands of students travel to other countries looking for workand adventure.Most of the opportunities are in 1.__ work.The pay is usually poor,but most people work 2.__ for the thrill of travel.这篇完形 韩麦尔先生为什么恨不得要在离开前不所有知道的全部塞进我们的脑子里 英语基础知识问题1 refuse的后面是只能加to do吗?2 连词于介词的用法区别.多谢多谢 :) 英语 翻译 知识是成功的基础 bifferent,good-looking有什么不同 还有一道数学题,饿,我郁闷已知正方ABCD的边长是4,点E,F分别在边BC,CD上(不与端点C重合),且AE=AF,设EC=X,三角形AEF的面积为Y(1)试求Y关于X的函数关系式(2)写出X,Y的取值范围要有准确的过程啊 饿`请教几道数学题!1.等腰三角形一腰上的高与另一腰的夹角为50度,则它的底角为_____.2.七巧板所示,一只蚂蚁自由自在地在用七巧板拼成的正方形中爬来爬去(每块七巧板的表面完全相同)他最 3737373737分之1313131313约分后是多少? 2道数学题饿= =、1.如图,已知两等边三角形ABC、DCE,连接AD、BE交于M.求证:BM=AM+CM.2.如图,在直角坐标系中,A的坐标为(a,0),D的坐标为(0,b),且a,b满足{根号(a+2)}+(b-4)^2=0.,求A.D两点坐标.,以A为顶 几道数学题、帮帮饿吧1、当a_____,b______,时,方程组x+y=8有无穷多解ax+3y=b2,当时a_____,b______,方程组x+y=8无解ax+3y=b3.方程组:x+y-z=52x+3y+z=10x-2y-z=20马上期中考试了、 贝尔用英语怎么说 用英语介绍荒野求生.贝爷用英语怎么说啊,拜托.内容最好多一些,谢了~ 英语翻译生活健康小常识1、常吃宵夜.会得胃癌.因为胃得不到休息2、一个星期只能吃四颗蛋.吃太多.对身体不好3、鸡屁股含有致癌物,不要吃较好4、饭后吃水果是错误的观念.应是饭前吃水果 英语选择和完成句子“No one will want to see actors______,"Jack Wanrner predicted.A.talk B.come onC.to talkD.talked她一见到这所房子就喜欢上它了She____ ____ ____ ____the house as soon as she saw it.她想养只宠物猫She wants what do you do when you meet a brazen person?this guy's face is as thick as the Great Wall.when he lose the game,he would like to findexcuses to avoid losing face.He doesn't knowwho he is.he never feels ashame of his losinggames.what should I do? 英语题;选择完成句子Please (look/read) the note carefully when you do not know what to say是怎么意思? What would you say when you meet a friend?1.Nice to know you,2.How are you?3.How do you do woods和forest有什么区别,都是森林的意思 forest什么意思 forest的意思 forest的汉语意思 补全对话,从所给的选项中选择合适句子使文章完整通顺,有两项多余.A.I think it is useful to learn Chinese well.B.Have you ever been to China?C.How long have you been learning Chinese?D.Many times.E.Not very well.F.Me too.G.Whe NEED ANSWERS:Why do people want to marry quick quick quick