
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/01 08:11:53
什么是诸子百家? 过双曲线的一个焦点F引它的渐近线的垂线,垂足为M,延长FM交y轴于E,若FM=2ME,则该双曲线的离心率为______ “诸子百家”的意思急 双曲线的一条渐近线和一条准线交与点M,点F是与该准线相对应的焦点,求证直线FM垂直于这条渐近线 已知二次函数y=ax2+bx+c(a为正整数)的图象,经过点A(-1,4)与B(2,1)...已知二次函数y=ax2+bx+c(a为正整数)的图象,经过点A(-1,4)与B(2,1),并且与x轴有两个不同的交点,则b+c的最大值为__________ 深字在平水韵中的哪部,急求!急求啊, 请问“她”字属于平水韵什么韵目? “近”字在平水韵里哪个韵部?昨晚翻了一晚上也没翻着,也许粗心漏过了. 分析一下诸子百家格言在今天的意义任选一个,分析一下它在21世纪的今天还有其积极意义吗?1.己所不欲,勿施于人.2.民为贵,社稷次之,君为轻.3.视人之身,若视其身.4.祸兮,福之所倚;福兮,祸之所 Everyone thinks about the past year and the ___ one.A.old B.new C.come D.last Peter擅长英语,但他数学更好.翻译 Peter is good at English,but his Maths______________________ 弹丸论破有3吗?我指的是psp,或者说是已经有了.急.有消息说正在制作吗? A 14-yeear-old boy from the USA was regarded as a hero yesterday after he saved the life of a woman in another country.Dean Bluey from Dallas,Texas,is one of school boys who show a great interet in computer.有没有这篇英语短文的全文? “弹丸小城”这个词的意思 弹丸论破2会动画化吗不要复制的,自己的见解和理由 弹丸论破动漫全体剧情因为要写剧本请大神弹丸中每个人物的死因和死法,及主线剧情,跪谢众神了 Ben and Scott saved the boy's life.They are____(hero).用适当形式填空.为什么这么填? what we can learn from the hero of yesterday please speak it in english ,多提几点,thank you 大学英语4自测题:请各位老师帮下忙,第16题 3.Will you ________ me in drinking a glass of wine?A、company B、accompany C、companion D、accomplish 第17题 11.The public are ________ not to leave litter in these woods.A、resorted B 大学英语4自测题二:请各位老师帮下忙,第16题 The American Government,along with many other western countries,is trying to prevent North Korea from _______ nuclear weapons.A、requiring B、acquiring C、inquiring D、enquiring 第17 英语翻译If you meet Walked Ciorobea,a 2-year-old boy from Florida,the first thing he'll ask you is what kind of car you d----.The little boy has had a passion for cars,ever since the day his father b---- home a toy car for Walker to play with.Fro If you meet me in you next year nice to meet you and happy new One year ago,I don't konw.I will meet you…到底该是啥 每个人的都不一样 过点p(4,2)引圆x^2+y^2+2x-2y+1=0的切线,则切线长等于 By winning this prize every year from 1965 to 1976 翻译 若 4x的平方+kx+1是完全平方式 则K=还有一道题:(X+1)乘以(X-2)的平方=ax的三次方+bx的平方+cx+d,则a+b+c+d=还有:一道(3Y-1)(2y-3)+(6y-5)(y-4) 已知直角坐标平面上一点Q(2,0)和圆C:x^2=y^2=1,动点M到圆C的切线长等于圆C的半径不好意思,应该是:已知直角坐标平面上一点Q(2,0)和圆C:x^2+y^2=1,动点M到圆C的切线长等于圆C的半径与丨MQ丨 自点P(m,3)(m属于R)向圆(x+1)^2+(y+2)^2=1引切线,则切线长的最小值等于 6.7题,数学填空. 7题,填空 数学,初一,6、7题填空