
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/02 04:23:06
三苏指的是? 英语翻译 历史上的“三苏”指谁们? 能不能帮忙翻译一下啊 三十道因式分解练习题,要有难度 关于因式分解的.计算题. 若A(1,-3),B(8,-1),C(2a-1,a+2)三点共线,则a= A(2,a),B(1,5),C(2a,-4)三点公线,求a 若2a-b=3,求证:三点A(-2,3) B(3,a) C(8,b)在一条直线上 一道有意思的应用题在社会实践活动中,某校甲,乙,丙三位同学一同调查了高峰时段北京的二环路,三环路,四环路的车流量(每小时通过观测点的汽车车辆数),三位同学汇报高峰时段的车流量 一道有趣的语言应用题“汾酒必喝,喝酒必汾”是汾酒集团的广告语,其创意是巧妙的运用了《三国演义》的首卷语,“分久必合,合久必分”.请为山西老陈醋设计一则广告语,并简要说明其创意. 一道有趣的计算题假设:1=5 ,2=15 ,3=215 ,4=4145 那么:5=?请写出计算过程和答案..孩子,肯定不对,再想想别人考我的,觉得挺难 一道有趣的一元二次应用题首先这道题是一元二次方程,只能设一个未知数:有一条狗与一只马,狗走5步,马能走6步;狗走7步的距离与马走4步的距离相等.狗从A点出发走了55步时,马从A点开始出 一道有意思的化学计算题 英语翻译IMS HEALTH,Canada,provided an estimate of the total number of antibiotic prescriptions dispensed in Canadian retail pharmacies based on a representative sample of 2000 pharmacies stratified according to type,size,and province.A representa 英语翻译but there's always a trap online.if you are careless,it will bring you some trouble.you may find the color of the article is different from what you want,or the size is either too small or too big.if you want to be different,you'd better 英语翻译Long ago,the love apple was grown in flower gardens.The plant's small yellow flowers were not very bright,but it had beautiful fruit,round,smooth,and shiny,which turned bright red or yellow as it ripened.Most people found it beautiful but 英语翻译thousands of soldiers help them to save their relatives and rebuild their homes even foreign freiends also give them a hand. 一年级语文怎么教拼音 已知集合A={a+2,(a+6)2,a2+3a+3},若1属于A,求实数a的取值范围. 很有文采的议论文素材,是写古代人物的, 七年级英语书A第37页的听力材料翻译 求英语七年级新课本下册听力材料 she made the demand that she leave at once she made the demand that she__at once.A.leave B.leaves C.left选哪个 为啥顺便翻译一下这句子的意思 3q! 最美的英文歌经典的最好 最美的英文单词是什么? 深圳地震他们说天文台说今天晚上两点有6级地震是真的么? 最美的英语单词是什么? 深圳地震的相关新闻 设常数a与b为随机变量X的一切可能取值中的最小值和最大值,EX,DX分别为X的数学期望与方差。证明:(1)a “三苏”指