
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/06 13:49:44
兀,这个字读啥 有没有很巧妙的学英语的方式? 美发艺术推广节的英文怎么讲 先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐的意思(要简洁) there is mounting evidence that ... We should do morning exercise to keep h(). musica是什么意思? We should do exercise to keep h___. 拉丁文Musica delenit bestiam have done……since的一个问题谢谢网上有人说:have done for/since和have been doing for/since的区别如下:前者是完成时,表示动作结束了,后者是完成进行时,动作还在继续.但是我看吸血鬼日记时看到吸 have been和have doHe has been dead for many yesrs这句话为什么要have beenhave been啥意思,能不能换成He has dead for many yesrs.毕竟都是现在完成时+过去分词,为什么要加个been呢?为什么He has had a house since 2005不 后天就要交,求救!Her favourite subject is history.(用math完成选择疑问句)_______her favourite subject,history________math?请解答后顺便告诉我math和maths的区别,我将感激不尽!可是选择疑问句通常开头都是一 He favourite subject is music.=He (_)music(_)dddddddddd 谁能帮我查下关于两个生意人talking about shipping mark的英语对话,谢谢 Death Soul Mr Jones had a nice,brown coat.He loved it very much,.but his wife did not like it,because itwas old.Mrs Jones often said,“Give it to a poor man.”But Mr Jones always said,“No,no.I like this coat.”Then one day,a cigarette made a hole in it.So 英语音标发音admire /əd'maiə/ əd是读 爱的 还是 饿的əd放在一块读法是不是不一样? The title of the 中译英!请帮我看看这段话英文怎么说,因为我觉得我现在的公司加班太历害了,基本上每天都要加班到零晨二,三点.所以我想换一份工作. I don not know wether you have a virgin lslands是哪个国家OR地区?virgin lslands 是哪 什么是hartree-fork近似? I hope all the precautions against air pollution,()suggested by the local government,will beI hope all the precautions against air pollution,as suggested by the local government,will be seriously considered here.which 和as 为什么不是which 密度,质量,体积这几者的关系,就像密度越大,质量咋样等等的,希望能给我详细一些 求这般洒脱的诗句‘仰天大笑出门去,我辈岂是蓬蒿人.’ 司马迁《史记.陈涉世家》;李白曾豪迈的放歌“仰天大笑出门去,我辈岂是蓬高人.”本文与之意思相近的句子 仰天大笑出门去,我辈岂是蓬蒿人 出自哪里? 求几句豪情的诗句!例如:仰天大笑出门去,我辈岂是蓬蒿人…拜托了各位 Why is Canada a multicultural country?不是翻译. Measure should be taken to prevent this. What can be used to measure the time taken for the parachute to reach the ground?