
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/10 14:41:41
People who won't work should be made to work.麻烦懂的翻译下这句话. 英语翻译The elevator has three is tiring event2、设备损坏 8起Equipment damage eight times3、 漏水 6 起Six is leaking 4、 违反安全规定 4 起Safety violations four times5、 客人 6 起About the guest a total of six incindets occu 繁星是冰心的第几部诗集?诗集收入诗人什么至什么?所写小诗多少首?最初发于北京的什么? 请帮忙翻译成英文:旺季和淡季的销售有很大差别. 冰心诗集《繁星》全文 繁星是冰心的第几部诗集 矩阵AB=E能否说A或者B可逆?因为AB=E,所以|AB|=|E|=1不=0,所以A与B皆可逆,且A^(-1)*A*B=A^(-1)*E=A^(-1) 即B=A^(-1) 于是BA=A^(-1)*A=E?应该是这样吧? 贵阳哪里有卖绝对伏特加或者蓝天伏特加?如题,最好是大型超市,怕买到假的,还有说下具体位置,小弟是路痴 冰心,原名(),现代著名作家,().她受印度诗人()的影响,开始创作哲理小诗,后结集成()().她写的散文集()笔调优美,被誉为“()” “墙角的花,你孤芳自赏时,天地便小了.”这句诗出自冰心的( ),他是在印度诗人( )的作品( )影响下写成的 冰心,原名 ,现代著名作家 .她受印度诗人 的影响,开始创作哲理小诗,后结集成《 》《 》.她写的散文集《 》笔调优美,感情细腻,影响很大,被誉为“ ”,被青年人争相模仿. 冰心受印度诗人泰戈尔的影响,开始哲理小诗的创作后,后集成《 》和《》 帮我写下 冰心创作上受到印度诗人 (作者)《 》(诗集)的影响 A与可逆矩阵相乘不改变秩的证明 两个可逆矩阵相乘得到的还是可逆矩阵吗,两个不可逆矩阵相乘得到的是0吗搜到的解释没看懂,两个问题10分吧,谢谢了 两个矩阵相乘等于单位矩阵 他们互为可逆么 关于线性代数的问题:为什么对矩阵A做可逆变换后,即有后面A前面相乘的两个矩阵和A后面的矩阵是怎么关于线性代数的问题: 为什么对矩阵A做可逆变换后,即有后面A前面相乘的两个矩阵和A后 是不是所有的可逆矩阵都可以用初等矩阵相乘来表示 People go to work in different ways.Some people go to work by bus,and _ people go to work by bike.A.the other B.the others C.other D.others Many young people quit school and go to work partly because they live in poverty.Why?Answer the q 冰心的纸船抒发了诗人怎样的情感 冰心 母亲 抒发了一种什么样的感情 诗人用什么样的方法来表达 冰心的《笑》表达了怎样的思想感情? 请教下石膏板吊顶怎样算面积 石膏板吊顶怎么算?客厅长5米宽4米掉下来150,展开面积怎么算啊 some people screamed because they were very frightened同义句some people ()()because of ()() 轻钢龙骨石膏板叠级吊顶怎么计算 若A,B均为n阶可逆矩阵,问A-B AB ABˉ1是否一定为可逆矩阵? some people learn english because they have to s___or w___in english when they work 首字母填空 To work or to learn More作文 要求:1.some begin to work after graduating from college,because.2.others further their study as a master 's candidate,becase...3.I would like to...,the reason is... A lot of people would rather ride a bike to work because the bike has _________ of the trouble oftaking a bus .A something B.anything C.none D.nothing这里应该选C吧?D 为什么错, More and more people in our city are going to work by bicycle.Some of them want to s_1_ gasoline.Others think riding a bike is g___2___ for the health.They all think it is much e___3___to park a bike than a car.