
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/05 22:54:59
一堆玻璃球有红黄绿三种颜色.其中红球比黄球多28颗,绿球比红球多18颗.绿球的颗数正好是黄球颗数的2倍.这堆玻璃球一共有多少颗? 红黑两种玻璃球共40个,其中红球个数占8分之5,红球比黑球多多少个? 有同样大小的红黑黄玻璃球共73个,按1个红球,2个黑球,3个黄球的顺序排列.三种颜色的玻璃球各占总数的几分之几?第58个玻璃球应该是什么颜色? 谁知道下面英文的谐音?the wild herd does not have the shade to the prairie without the trace, it knew that has the humanity to approach. People and so on earth come it to open up wasteland, takes to it with both hands the new life. on the pr This is my cat Mimi.[ ]biack and white.1.If's 2.Its 3.if's 4.its. this is tom.he isshort and fat.tom hos a dig cat.his car is is new and fast.求译 I have a cat.She is very( ).She has a black and white () and four white ().She likes sitting on thesofa and () TV with me.When she is (),she follows me everywhere and ().But she is quite () .She cannot do any ().She often sleeps on the ground and() c 太阳那么大,怎么会被月亮挡住,形成日食呢? 月球比太阳小得多,日食发生时,为什么可以挡住太阳? 当发生日食是,月亮把太阳遮的严严实实的,世界上,月亮比太阳小,这是怎么回事 幼儿园的英语有哪些.有没有谐音 请问三元这两个字有没有相对应的英文谐音? 中的英文谐音是什么?只要2个或者3个英文 翻译英语句子:1、Bob was on his way home from school 2、you mean write the word cloud on it.3、we have lunch in the cafe in the park.andthe food asn't very good. 4、How many classes have you got a day?5、How do you spell the name of your It's ____ ____ ____ ____from my home to school.我从家到学校有半个小时的步行路程(根据中文翻译) 英语翻译A.forgets B.leaves C.has 我们非常高兴能与您分享合作的快乐和成功的喜悦!---用英语怎么说 你愿意和我一起来分享你的快乐吗?用英语怎么说 1题英语选择题 I am sorry to tell you a fast car _____hi1题英语选择题I am sorry to tell you a fast car _____him.hitto hithitting hits不是过去式 mother told me ________ you anything.A.tell not B.not tell not tell D.not tMy mother told me ________ you anything.A.tell not B.not tell not tell D.not to Sorry for getting to tell you that I love you. 五年级同学做花,一班40朵,二班比一班做的2倍少32朵.二班多少朵花?方程.算数还有方程 一张长方形纸,长3米,宽四分之三米,用它走了9朵花,平均每朵用纸多少平方米 月食开始时地球投影到月球上的影子呈什么形状 我们看到“月球”上有“地球”的影子,这时形成的是月食还是日食? 这种花太小了.改为比喻句 i am sorry to tell you that…… 中,不定式做宾语,那that引导的是什i am sorry to tell you that…… 中,不定式做宾语,那that引导的是什么从句? 有56朵花.(1)至少再买几朵花,刚好平均每束5朵?(2)要使平均每束3朵,至少要拿走几朵? Kate said that she didn't feel very ___ todayA.well .good C.nice D.better到底是神马? _____ Nina didn't feel very well today,she still went to school. Kate said that she didn't feel very _ today.A.well B.good C.nice D.better为什么? Her mother was out.She stayed at home ________,but she didn't feel ________.A.alone,lonely B.lonely,alone C.alone,alone D.lonely,lonely