
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 20:09:57
英语翻译The results are expressed as optical density units per gram of dried medium multiplied by dilution factor请不要用在线翻译,那翻译出来的读得通顺么?晕 锦瑟 翻译 英语翻译快些, 英语翻译我明白就行 I said that I would been booking for two next days by now 怎么转被动 She said that she would leave Beijing next month为什么要加个that,起什么作用呀,在什么情况下用,请具体说明,不用行不行 英语翻译The logit models indicated the importance of the relative journey times and distances of each exit and revealed how exit choices varied according to the message content and the familiarity of drivers with the network. Last night they p----an old play at Beijing Theatre中的空怎么填告诉我吧! 《锦瑟》:这首诗用英语怎么翻译? what school things do you need?为什么school things要放在what 后面?特殊疑问句结构为:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句?而what school things do you need中what是特殊疑问词,而后面剩下的school things do you need这部分应该 things,you,what,do,school,need连词成句,秒回秒采 they didn't give the book back to the library 这句话正确吗 请举例说明关系词that在定语从句中充当表语. "Did you remember to give her the book she asked for?"“Did you remember to give her the book she asked for?”“Yes._____ I saw her,I remembered.”A.While B.Suddenly C.Right D.The momentwhich one?why? He has been to Beijing 用last night做时间状语怎么做? 选择:Yang Ling and his friend _____ to music last week.A.didn't listened B.didn't listen He flew to Washington____the night before last.A / B on C in D at 答案是选A,希望给些指点 直线y=x+3上有一点p(m-5,2m)则p点关于原点的对称点p'为? 动词+副词的结构后都接动名词吗 限制性定语从句which what that 等关系词的用法 英语定语从句中,如何区别关系代词和关系副词 Our classroom is (smoky).括号部分提问 对比朱自清的《春》和鲁迅的《风筝》,急 the (h ) of our classroom is 3.3 meters 填什么? N为正整数,且N²能被N+2008整除,N的最小值是? 英语翻译从现在开始,我只疼你一个,宠你,答应你的每一件事情,我都会做到;对你讲的每一句话,都是真话.不气你,不骂你,相信你.有人欺负你,我会第一时间出来帮你.你开心的时候,我会陪着你 文言文翻译 八哥与蝉的对话 甲文是朱自清的《春》 第五段[甲]文写春雨“像牛毛、像花针,像细丝”,这里用了三个喻体来比喻同一个本体.作者是把这三个喻体看成具有共同点的东西,用来反复强调春雨的某种特点呢,还 请问英语中定语从句的关系代词和关系副词在什么情况下用?就是说在什么情况下用什么词,比如先行词在句中是某成分时用什么等,最好能举例说明.多谢了. 郑成功这篇课文的文体民族英雄郑成功是福建省南安县人.明朝末年,荷兰侵略者强占了我国的宝岛台湾.他们残酷地奴役台湾同胞,台湾人民恨透了这伙强盗.当时,郑成功驻军厦门.一天,他登上 卢玮銮 蝉的文体是什么 古人日常对话说文言文吗?