
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/16 22:40:55
一根圆柱形钢管截成4段,表面积增加了75.36平方厘米,这根钢管的底面半径是多少厘米?怎么半径不是3厘米啊 底面半径是4厘米,高是6厘米,求表面积 长21宽14的缸 需要多大功率的过滤器?3W的够用么? 一个圆柱,表面积是345.4平方厘米,底半径是5厘米,求它的高. 50的小缸到底用什么样的过滤器好点呢,现在有个挂式过滤但是效果不好,还有加热棒用多大的,主要过滤水中杂物,急 如何除去铁矿石中的SiO2 如何将bought,friends,pesents,for,my,during,I,the,hoildays,some连词成句? 连词成句bought my l for presents friends 连词成句,1.bought,griends,presents,for,my,during,l,the,holidays,some2.better,is,year,arunner,than,Danny,this,year,last,3.of,is,school,the,Wendy,our,best,jumper,in,one,4.fun,Sports,do,and,let's,have,in,best,Day,our, A great man once said it is necessary to dill as much as possible,andthe more you apply it in real dill 充当什么成分? Once an old man went to see a doctor.The doctor looked him over carefully and said,“Medicine won怎么写 Once an old man went to see a doctor.The doctor looked him over carefully and said,““Medicine won’t help you.You must have a good rest.Go to bed early,drink milk,walk a lot and smoke one cigar a day.Go to the country place for a mouth.”After a man once said how useless it was to put advertise 阅读理解A man once said how useless it was to put advertisements in the newspapers."Last week,"he said,"my umbrella was stolen from a London church.As it was a present,I spent twice its worth in 烷烃中是否包括甲烷?烷烃分子中是碳原子与碳原子间以碳碳单键结合成链状的烃,那么只有一个碳原子的甲烷是不是属于烷烃哪?烷烃分子中是碳原子与碳原子间以碳碳单键结合成链状的烃, 1\The experienced merchant made a( ) that I would get into trouble doing business with a companylike that.A suggestion B decision C forecast D trend 2\The old man knows nothing about the matter( )what he has read in the newspaper.A over B below Cwith it is said that e-schoolbags are going to be brought into use in chinese midddle schoolsbe brought into use 如何理解 I want to give some cartoons for my friends.改错 请说出原因为什么这样改. 生物膜结构面积一个高等的完整植物细胞(含叶绿体和中心液泡)的膜面积是单层细胞膜面积的几倍?您说的那些我都知道,就是说有没有测量过的一个大约值?那啥,夏夜之灵你的答案没有 I want to buy Simon some presents 改为同亿句 生物膜结构包括啥? 人的唾液细胞中面积最大,分布最广泛的膜结构是?A:细胞膜 B:内质网 C:核膜 D:高尔基体 那个能把雅安市雨城区的地质地貌,地下水、地层构造等告诉小弟我谢谢 急用我要做一个勘察投标书 那个大大有雅安地区的地勘报告可以发给我一个 我QQ就是我名字谢谢 塑料培养瓶需不需要铺明胶?是不是只是玻璃培养瓶才需要? 如何创新明胶配方?最近公司进口了一批明胶,想在这个明胶配方基础上进行创新,不知道哪家公司比较有经验? 养细胞用过的装明胶(1%gelatin)的玻璃瓶如何清洗?本人养细胞用过的装明胶(1%gelatin)的玻璃瓶无论是用水冲,还用胰酶洗,又用开水煮30分,都冲洗不掉内壁上面的明胶, 制取二氧化碳的方案[要有制取装置]除了 [碳+氧气] [盐酸或硫酸+碳酸钙或碳酸钾][还原氧化铜] 二氧化碳制取装置要求可以控制实验进程,除在锥形瓶上加针筒外 制取二氧化碳可以用那些装置? 制取二氧化碳使用的装置通常有哪些?说明白一点,要画图的 核电点站燃烧为什么撒硼酸 硼酸在农业上有何作用 fire与burn区别大家都有烧的意思,但是有什么区别呢?