
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/15 05:17:00
设函数f(x+1)=x/x+1求f(3) 一、35.设函数f(x+3)=x(x+3)则f(x)= 正方形ABCD的边长为2,E为AD的中点,BM垂直于CE于M则BM的长-----------急求答案!还有解题过程 Shadow Transport Minister什么意思?例句:Owen Paterson,UK's Shadow Transport Minister,visited Drachten.是 副交通部长?Shadow 是副的意思?关键是 Shadow 这句话中的 to each be responsible for his own safety We made the risky agreement to each be responsible for his own safety.to each be responsible for his own safely 这句是定语吗? 英语翻译 each to their the government accused former minister of accepting inbribes.同位语还是定语?That is about a third of the amount the government accused former minister of accepting inbribes.the government accused former minister of accepting inbribes.不应该 No one thought that the ____ statesman was really the murderer of the former minister.a、respectableb、respectfulc、respectived、respecting 四年级下册语文课堂第25课答案 急呀!~从课文中找出下列词语的反义词。 Jade slit rings的中文翻译? To Each His Own 歌词 武安由此滋骄,治宅甲诸第.田园极膏腴,而市买郡县器物相属于道.翻译 帮我回答几个应聘问题,1你觉得自己会在公司干几年?2你希望在未来岗位得到哪些收获3希望达到何种目标应聘的是物业公司客服 每人一部电影 TO EACH HIS CINEMA怎么样 为什么檀木梳子遇水会变弯?为什么?难道那种树遇水也会变弯? 水黄杨木跟黄杨木是一个东西吗?有什么区别? foreign affairs office的意思 Chinese Foreign Affairs University是什么大学?中文名是什么? Church Mill,although of fairly size compared with some of its neighbors,is a delightful的语法结构.突然忘记了. 九卿、郡县长官、三公(秦朝官职从大到小依次排列) 午亭山村的说法 The fox____the chicken were killed was shot.为什么填by which?I am going to the fruit shop.____you are there,would you please buy me some apples?为什么用 if 而不是 which. The foreign prime minister was the person__.A.whom the banquet was given in honorB.for him the banquet was given honorC.whose honor the banquet was given D.in whose honor the banquet was given请问选什么,为什么?望将解细点 我想在手机上学英语.不知道从哪里开始.或者有什么软件吗? 有没有一个比较初级的英语软件 可以下载到手机的本人英语超烂想从头学起 若f(x)=-8a²x²+6a³-4a^4x^4,求f(x)÷(-4ax²) 3.6X4-2.5 如图,梯形ABCD中,AD平行BC,做正方形ADEF.如果AD=4,BC=7如图,梯形ABCD中,AD//BC,做正方形ADEF.如果AD=4,BC=7,梯形的高AM为5,那么图中阴影部分面积为______________ 文理分科 我是江苏一名高一的女生,马上就要分科了,给点意见吧.我语文一般是130左右,数学是120左右(160分的卷子),最多没超过135.英语是105右(120满分),化学物理80分左右(100分满分),政 牛角梳、黄杨木梳、桃木梳哪种最好? 牛角梳、黄杨木梳、桃木梳各有什么功效?