
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/02 09:50:23
英语翻译 1.养鱼专业户张叔叔准备捐款给学校购买课桌椅,若用这笔款可买80张课桌,或者买240条凳子,用这笔款可买多少套课桌椅,每套课桌150元,张叔叔准备捐款多少元?(一张桌子与一条椅子为一套)2. 大家帮我看下(1)-15xy-20x(2)56a3bc+14a²b²c-2/ab²c²(3)x(2a+b)+3y(2a+b)(4)(a-b)³-(a-b)²(a-c)²(b-c) 1 若x的绝对值等于2减根号3则x等于?2 实数a,b在数轴上对应点的位置如图所示 化简a的绝对值减根号a的平方减根号b的平方3 m-1的绝对值加根号n减5括号的平方等于0,求2m+n的值 24和36 9和16 29和39 (此题要每组书的最大公因数和最小公倍数)把下列个题化成小数.(前面是分母)15/4 1又8/1 35/8 20/13 25/17 3又16/153.哪几个数大小一样.(上与下)1.6 0.54 1.02 0.881又50/1 1又5/3 50/27 25/22 醒目和芬达有什么区别? 芬达的和仿芬达有什么区别 推荐几个成语,说说我要注意的问题过几天,我要讲成语.网友们,你们谁给我推荐几个比较有意思的成语.或者给我说说怎样讲才会达到最好的效果.感激不尽! idol contestant 新东方的Born to win里面有哪些篇目比较有名?thx!比如假如给我三天光明那类的,哪些比较有名~顺便再给点建议哪些比较适合朗诵^_^ 新东方《born to win》的txt, born to win我找不到这篇文章的全文~以each human being is~开头的~ 求文档: 《生而为赢 Born to win》 老子的道德经到底是提倡仁义还反对仁义的? 成语(三什么五什么)意思相近 写出与“三序”意思相近的成语 英译汉 励志文第3段,Once you decide that it is possible for you,it is possible for you.Once you have the thought that it can be done,it can be done. 英译汉励志文第3组,不要机器的,Focus on why it must be done just as much as you focus on what is to be done.By very definition,an inspired performance requires inspiration. 有关三条历史成语和意思 励志文英译汉第1组Little slicesYou don't have to solve all the world's problems before bedtime.Yet there is something you can do right now.Do just a little,and it will make a difference.Then,do a little bit more. 励志文英译汉第5组In each little slice of life,it's easy to be supremely successful at richly living.String those slices together,one by one,and the result is a beautiful life. 励志文英译汉第4组All the while,stay true to your authentic purpose.Do what you can and don't worry about the rest. You play to win,and the game has little meaning unless you do your utmost to win.为什么这么写 道德、仁义古代史如何发展起来的 苦耕嫁之劳中苦是什么意思 天没降大任于我,照样苦我心智, 请问如果我要就读美国的某所高中,我需要准备什么东西,比如什么证件,什么条件之类的.如果我要就读史岱文森高中,又有怎样的陆雪条件呢?入学条件! born to win 歌词 慎重的反义词是随便可以吗 born to win 的作者是谁 作文怎么写呀. 大连火车站属于哪个区?