
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/03 16:38:29
简单复述《伊索寓言》请简单复述寓言故事《蚂蚁和蝉》,《乌龟和老鹰》,《狐狸和狗》的内容,不是复述整本书的内容,而是个别的故事内容, My computer cannot spell chinese,why?da zi lan ismissingshift+Ctrl doesnot work ,can you tell me how to deal with it thank you! 清风什么细柳,淡月隐梅花(详细)kuai! 两个词 hu(二声)纹 tuo(四声)津 hu二声,xian四声是什么词 求《散步》 莫怀戚 全文点评100字左右求初中课文,《散步》的全文点评100字左右1 What can a Chinese do when he wants some privacy?想要英文的回答 yi制(组词) helpful you home are at helpful you home are at 是连词成句 数学函数的基本问题!急需 我忘了y=kx是正比例函数,怎么证明Δy=kΔx. 需要详细的证明过程! 卖炭翁注音全文 如图,设抛物线C1:y=a(x+1)^2-5,C2:y=-a(x-1)^2-5,C1与C2的交点为A,B,点A的坐标是(2,4),点B的横坐标是-2.如图,设抛物线C1:y=a(x+1)^2-5,C2:y=-a(x-1)^2-5,C1与C2的交点为A,B,点A的坐标是(2,4),点B的横坐标是-2.(1) 英语翻译mercy on me-peter andre 歌词Ever since the day our eyes metI had made a promise,to be there forever moreAll the time me walking blindlyCouldn't see the right wayMy life was an open doorYour persistence my resistance to your other plansG 贾宝玉梦游太虚幻境那一回的详细解释? 已知抛物线C1:y=2x^2与抛物线C2关于直线y=-x对称,则C2的准线方程? 求Mercy Mercedes的all we've ever known中文歌词翻译啊! b.a.p no mercy 中文翻译最好标注哪一句是谁唱的. 英语翻译I ain't no thingNo,I can't singI just sit by the window looking for a better sceneBecause I can't stand bybut I try,I tryand in the end I'm told no one can arriveNo,there ain't no day that I'll saythere's nothing left for me to takebecaus yi nan(都是第二声)拼出来是什么词语? “不食人间烟火”是褒义词还是贬义词?用这个词形容别人究竟是好是坏呢? 以《那天,我真---》为题,写一篇作文 以“那一天,我_______”为题,写一篇不少于600字的作文随便一点 有意思和凑够600字数就可以了= =、 黛玉葬花的典故 那天我感动了为题写一篇作文 描写人物语言片段有关内容快发 独领风骚与得陇望蜀是什么意思 有什么成语跟独领风骚的意思差不多比如什么一枝独秀啊这些什么的,好的还会给加分 I don't mind ___ here.A.his shouting B.He shout C.his shouted D.him to shout⊙ o ⊙ We don't have a Chinese scanf here 在美国的朋友发的、求中文的正确解释、 用因式分解,最好写在纸上在拍照发 最好写在纸上,用因式分解 写纸上给我发过来.