
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/31 19:48:26
n 证明 ∑1/(k+1)^2 已知a2+b2=1,对于满足条件x+y=1,xy≥0的一切实数对(x,y),不等式ay2-xy+bx2≥0恒成立当乘积ab取最小值时,求a、b的值 翠柏苍松皆真性 云行水流亦禅机 当N趋向无穷大时,ln(ln2)>2.为什么? 飞翔吧,“幸运号”“我要报名!我要!”“这怎么折啊?”“我也来!”……在一片欢声笑语中,我校的第一届科技节即将拉开帷幕.下午,天气格外好,太阳也出来凑热闹,好像特别欢迎这次科技节似 作文...《科技所带来的——》 好的话,50 商女不知亡国恨 下一句是急用 求不定积分∫xcos2xdx 求过程答案!谢谢! ∫xcos2xdx的不定积分 定积分∫0(下面)∏/2(上面) xcos2xdx ,∫0(下面)㏑3 (上面)ex(1+ex)2 dx 求高手狠批托福作文>>topic::Supporters of technology say that it solves problems and makes life better.Opponents argue that technology creats new problems that may threaten or damage the quality of life.Using one or two examples,discuss these 求狠批我的托福作文~According to a recent statistic on the Internet,two-third of individuals believe that computer skill is on the top of all the skills that human beings should own in the modern life.It is widely accepted that computer has b 碧海,蓝天,苍松,墨绿,翠柏,那个是不同类的词? 求托福作文批改.狠批.我底子差,辛苦大家了.you agree or disagree with the following statement?Movies and televisions should always show audience good people are being rewarded and badpeople are being punished.我写的 Movies and telev “带走的是荒凉,留下的是繁华.”采用了什么修辞手法? 短句英译汉内容:You are such a liar.No truth is found in you. 舍本逐末是什么意思 当流星划过天际的那一瞬间,留给我们的到底是悲还是喜? 当流星划过天际的那一瞬间,留给我们的到底是悲还是喜?拜托各位大神 英译汉短句Violence is one thing I do not believe in.A woman is not to be hit in my eyes.I can see us walking by the seashore hand in hands,hugging and kissing. 为什麽早晨当太阳还在地平线以下时,我们就看见了他? 仿照富贵不能淫4句 《墨竹图题诗》的解译是?快……………………?… 墨竹图题诗译文有谁知道? 英语翻译课文需要 规律? 墨竹图题诗与苍松怪石图题诗同为题画诗,我发现这首诗与上一首相比,区别是 图画的介绍回答 下列近似数,它们分别精确到哪一位,有几个有效数字?8844.43 《墨竹图题诗》解释急要!简短的!千万别打《墨梅图题诗》啊! 已知等差数列{An},Sn为其前n项的和,A2=0,A5=6,n∈N*.①求数列{An}的通项公式.②若Bn=3^an,求数列{Bn}的前N项和 以下问题中的近似数各精确到哪一位?各有几个有效数字?上海世博会参观人数为7308.44万人. π的近似数为3.14