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因式分解 4X^2-12X+3=0 求角A+角B+角C+角D+角E+角F的度数 英语题(尽量说明理由)1the boy m____ to get the apples on the tree yesterday.2jack enjoys __(exercise) on the playground every moring. 1___with the size of the whole earth,the highest mountain does not seem high at all.Awhen compared Bcomparing2liquids r like soleds ——they have a definite volume Afor that Bin that3u maynot have played very well today,but at least u've got throug 简要说明理由The cars made in this factory are better than ______made in other factories.A.this B.these C.that D.those 初中数学a²/(a-1)-a-1 已知a√1-b²+b√1-a²=1 求证a²+b²=1 初中数学已知a²-b²=4,那么(a+b)²(a-b)²的值 初中数学:ax³-1=(2x-1)(bx²-cx+1),求a和b的值没啥积分,望智者不介 在△ABC中,∠A=1/2∠B=1/3∠C,则此三角形是( ).A.锐角三角形 B.直角三角形 C.钝角三角形D.等腰三角形 在三角形ABC中,∠A—∠B=∠C,那么这个三角形是() 1.锐角三角形 2.直角三角形 3.钝角三角形4.等腰三角形 (x平方+4x+3)(x平方+12x+35)+15因式分解 (X的平方加4X加3)(X的平方加12X加35)加15的因式分解 因式分解(x²+4x+3)(x²+12x+35)+15 如何因式分解:(x^2-4x)(x^2-4x-2)-15 (x的二次方+4x+3)(x的二次方+12x+35)+15因式分解 1.Mr.Li regarda Ningxia as his second ______ because he has been here for over twenty years.空格填的是family为什么不可以是home?2.It's________ train ride from here to that city.空格填的是8 hours'为什么不可以是a 8-hour?3.Good mo 如图,已知角B=38°,角C=55°,角DEC=23°,求角F的度数.求详解 如图,已知∠B=40°,∠C=59°,∠DEC=47°,求∠F的度数 已知:如图,∠ADE=∠B,∠DEC=115°. 求∠C的度数. 如图,已知∠B=40°,∠C=49°,∠DEC=47°,求∠F的度数 在锐角三角形ABC中,角A,B,C所对的边分别为a,b,c,已知cos2C=-3/4,当c=2a,且b=3根号7时,求a. 在锐角三角形ABC中,角A B C所对的边分别为a b c已知cos2C=-3/4 1 求sinC在锐角三角形ABC中,角A B C所对的边分别为a b c已知cos2C=-3/41 求sinC2 当c=2a 且b=3√7时,求a主要是第二题 计算,|1-1/2|+|1/3-1/2|+|1/4-1/3|+……+|1/1000-1/999|. 几道初三英语语法题1.Glass can be ____bottles.made from B.made of C.made into D.made up with2.They have written a report these days(该被动)A report ____ _____ written these days.3.The church bell _____twelve to welcome the NEW YEAR just 几道英文语法题- Oh,how does she keep so slim?- Prasctising yoga and being on a diet ___ her secret of keeping slima.is b.are c.will be d.was偶选了a 后面的sectet是单数呀?is与之对应 即使secret是不可数名词 Who knows___!Ut's 在锐角三角形abc中,根号3a=2csinA,求角C我是新手…… 如图,AD是△ABC的外角∠CAE的角平分线,∠B=30°,∠DAE=55°.求∠D的度数?∠ACD的度数. 如图,∠A=108°,∠B=30°,∠C=35°,求∠BPC的度数 He is good at singing.改为感叹句___ ___ he sings!How well .但是 句末sings不是系动词吗?系动词后+ adj.这里干嘛要改成 adv啊 英语初三语法有什么时间或地点状语前不加介词?有例句最好. 2010年6月22日什么地方地震了