
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/01 21:59:35
Never so sensible,will never understand love I will always love you.Never separated.是什麼意思? 把长132cm,厚36cm的木料锯成尽可能大的,同样大小的正方体木块,锯后不能有剩余,能锯多少块? 把长132cm,宽80cm,厚36cm的木料锯成尽可能大的正方体木块,没有剩余,能锯( )块 E开头的女英文名,我名字拼音是YI DAN, m开头的所有英文名,最好有意思,我名字里有YI MEI,起个音节少的简单个性的 求个英文名 本名是 Yi 想要个E开头的求个英文名 本名是 Yi 想要个E开头的 发音相近的 最好别是满大街都是的那种 现在国外念书 班里同学都是叫英文名的 所以要是很大众的名字 很容易重名 把长132厘米宽60厘米厚36厘米的木料锯成尽可能大的同样大小的正方形木块,锯后不能有剩余,能锯成多少块? 帮忙我取一个既好听又含义好的英文名,我的名是yi nuo.我的名是yi nuo,性别:女,我想根据谐音取英文名.请不要 1.所起英文名太常见 2.不懂文化差异而犯忌 3.不懂语法用错词性 4.用错性别 要求 英文名Lisa什么意思? We have a school trip on October 21 st.---------------------- 对划线部分提问 We have a school trip on (October 21st ).对划括号部分提问( )( )you( )a school trip? 北极地区冰川融化的后果北极地区冰面面积大幅减小,冰川消融、冰架断裂.完全融化后会淹没中国的哪些地区?(我不想看长篇大论,简单的回答就好) the South Pole和Antarctic作名词时的区别?请不要复制词典的内容!最好给出一些例子来, 北极地区的气候特点说明北极地区的气候类型和特点 A:Whose book is it?B:It's() 2.mine 艾薇儿girl friend 翻译 Just letting you know that you're not alone语法错误了吗 just let you know that youre not alone 是哪首歌得 I know you know ,but i do not know!that just a joke.In fact,i know you know ,i know so如何解释最好 Lost to know and treasure,did not wait until that sad,I just live in my world,alone go on,I was 英语翻译:郊游.(意思对即可,不要用机器,会有语法错误,用了是哈批) they have a school trip every year 改为一般疑问句 they have their school trip (in may) 对括号里的部分提问 They have a school trip in March 16th. 有哪里错 What book is it?理由! What color is the book?(改为同义句) What's( ) ( ) ( )the book?What color is the book?(改为同义句)What's( ) ( ) ( )the book? 一道脑筋急转弯,汉语回答,A huge animal which is white and lives in north pole .What is it? What is the difference betweeen the North pole and the South pole? 英语翻译就是那个四分多钟的视频.一定要详细. 英语翻译要求:RT.[thanks] A terrible air crash happened over the Atlantic Ocean,___ 150 passengers.A.killing B.having killed都是主动语态,为什么B不行