
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 09:09:01
生物:耳的一些部位的功能鼓膜、听小骨、鼓室、耳蜗的功能各是什么?(鼓膜、听小骨、鼓室属于中耳,耳蜗属于内耳,与前庭和半规管相连) 请问转机时的中途机场(我连汉语都不知道其名称,汗)用英语怎么说? 关于出国到了机场转机,英文不行怎么办我如果要出国一趟,但我英文不行,要先去莫斯科,再到波兰,再到法国, 这里在机场的程序有哪些,我英文不行要怎么办,这些个机场有没有会中文的翻译或 医生检查耳道时头上戴的是__镜,它对光线起什么作用 密耳在数学应用中有哪些作用? 谁知道耳道式受话器的优点是什么? 英语翻译Dear sir or madamThank you for your time to read my letter.With the coming of the 50th anniversary of our school,I’d like to be a volunteer.I’ll try my best to serve our distinguished guests with enthusiasm.I have a good understanding 帮忙译下英语,道理重点要通俗点,不要字典式的翻译.Whatever you do in life will be insignificant, but it's very important that you do it.Because nobody else wil. 情人节送花卡片上该写什么2个人离的比较远,双方有感觉,但是还没正式确定关系,女方感觉异地恋有点困难,想打退堂鼓,麻烦高人给写个诗吧.名字叫 秦小燕!谢谢了藏头的最好了 下列关于耳的各个部分功能的说法错误的是为什么选D下列关于耳的各个部分功能的说法错误的是 A耳廓的功能是搜集空气中的声波 B鼓膜的振动是为了产生声波,使声波撞击鼓室内的听小骨振 Mr Brown is a young doctor of ()NO.3 Hospital 填冠词 下列关于宇航服作用的说法,错误的是A.能够保持身体内外的压强平衡B.保温绝热性能极好C.能够提供氧气和食物D.能阻挡紫外线辐射是不是选C的? 以下关于额定功率、实际功率的说法错误的是A 额定功率大的电热器,它的实际功率也大B 额定电压相同时,额定功率大的电热器,它的实际功率也大C 额定电压相同的电热器串联时,额定功率大的 sheep作主语谓语动词用单数还是复数?Many sheep _____ eating grass.A.is B.are 迪马利亚为什么叫天使 白衣天使叶欣的感人故事有哪些,不少于400字 翻译:“把不会的单词挑出来,然后查字典在听录音,每一篇都这样”的英文 黑执事里面那个天使为什么说夏尔是不洁的,无用的?哪些戴面具的人对夏尔做了什么?夏尔身上的印记是什么? Jack always works hard and he sets a good e( ) for us.Where there is a h( ),there is a way. 什么情况下要用形容词+ly的形式,什么时候可以几个形容词连着用啊?locally available technical resources 这里为什么要用副词locally,可以用local吗?independently operated manufacturing enterprise这里的independently 我的名字有什么寓意? 谁知道我的名字是什么意思?我是哪的知道吗?把分献给老乡! 志刚姓汤,志字辈我是晚上12点过生的(具体不知道),属马,火是克星吗?长得很长头大~ 我叫罗学福, 英语翻译For many of us the home in our hearts is one we remember from childhood(童年时期).For me it was the real house I ever lived in.The house had a big front yard with a swing(秋千) on it.Mary is my sister.We were both 8 years old at the 雨滴落在窗前 的作文啊 快 英语翻译When Abe lincoln was just a boy,he had to help his father to look after his farm.it was hard work and there was no school there.Abe was sad most of the time.Mrs lincoln loved the boy very much.she tired her best to make Abe happy.one morn 求一篇600子的作文《窗前…………》 英语翻译The yo-yo was first played in China,around three thousand years ago.The same principles of the hobby are found in the performances of acrobats(杂技演员) in modern China.,where they spin pieces of wood on a string.The hobby was popular 作文:我从老师窗前走过 Martin Robinson is a famous doctor who has a lot of experience dealing with teenagers.我想请教这个句子中,dealing with teenagers这个分词短语在句中的作什么成分?是修饰experience的吗? I am a famous doctor who has o lot of experience dealing with teenagers.这句话中,“dealing”“dealing”为什么要加ing?请高手说明理由