
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/07 00:07:09
She was in her first year at university coming home for a holiday in November.in her first year at university 在句子中做什么成分.不需要翻译! 演变的成语 Li Kang's first homework is a description of the street where he lives .这句话是定语从句吗? 巧言令色,色鲜矣仁 成为了现在的哪个成语 Every year Mr Brown____(have) a long vacation.I ____(call) you last night,but nobody_____(answer).The beaches were beautiful.(改为否定句) The beaches_____ beautiful.The students studied to their English exams in the classroom.-------- -- ----- 巧言令色,鲜仁矣是什么成语的原型 尽美矣,又尽善也.这是哪个成语的雏形.巧言令色,鲜矣仁,是哪个成语的原型 I will srend two weeks tsking a vacation in Qindao.改为同义句 They’re _______ vacation for the next two weeksA.from B.on C.with D.off 选择题They’re _______ vacation for the next two weeks1 from2 on3 with4 off The Green's family will have two-weeks holiday in Chian.为什么是 two-weeks 而不是two-weekThe Green's family will have two-weeks holiday in Chian.为什么是 two-weeks 而不是two-week? 子曰:“巧言令色,鲜矣仁.”能组成的成语是什么拜托各位了 3Q It's rather h() in the Wuhan in summerHe's w()black pants todayIt often s() in the north of China in winterThe weather here in spring is h(),not dryIt's ()today.The sun is shining brightly in the sky ____ one of the players is trying his best to win the football match. A. Each B. Every请教高手,谁能给我解释为什么?谢谢 冰岛主要的社会问题有哪些 冰岛主要地形区求问冰岛的主要地形区~比如俄罗斯的主要地形区有东欧平原、西西伯利亚平原、中西伯利亚高原、北西伯利亚山地这样. 冰岛在哪 “Non-Degree Tertiary or 这是句英语意思是“不必学历大专或以上”还是“不得不学历大专或以上”这是外企的招聘启示上的 中国在邓小平时期为什么能改革开放? Matrix dimensions must agree该怎么办?如题.急 u =[95.8000 89.6000 80.0000 129.4000]fangcha =[3.2889 -0.9778 -0.3333 -0.0222;-0.9778 0.4889 0.2222 -0.2667;-0.3333 0.2222 1.1111 -0.3333;-0.0222 -0.2667 -0.3333 0.7111]c=inv(fangcha)%求方差的逆矩阵syms x1 x2 x3 x4 d;a=[(x1-u(1,1)) (x2-u(1,2)) 求助 matlab 高手 Inner matrix dimensions must agreeclc;clear all;lawnum=1;n=6;d=1.5;l=1;kr=0.15;r=kr*l;a=0;tao0=15*pi/180;taoh=2*pi/n;thetah=taoh*d/(1+d);rc=0.94;rpm=10;w=rpm*2*pi/60;th=thetah/w;division=600;j=0;for k=0:taoh/division:taoh;j=j+1;T 农行定期存款利率,2009年12月10日我在农行存了3万定期5年,请问5年后我连本带利能拿多少?利率是按照当时存时的利率还是随着利率的更变而改变?又是如何计算的?我是取出来再存划算?还是继 MATLAB :(Inner)Matrix dimensions must agree.我输入fh=fl.*fz,它显示timesMatrix dimensions must agree.我输入fh=fl*fz,它又显示mtimesInner matrix dimensions must agree.为什么不管用不用点乘都是Error using呢? NBA联盟英文介绍不要球队介绍,要用英文.长些最好. 甲乙两车从AB两地同时出发,相向而行.如果甲车提前一段时间出发,那么两车将提前30分钟相遇.一直甲车速度60km/h,乙车速度40km/h,那么,甲车提前了多少分出发? tell的用法 tell用法Father aften tells me ____ too much time on computer games.A.don't spend B.not spend C.not to spend D.not spending理由是tell sb (not) to do.但是如果选A,还可以理解为在me 后面加一个祈使句从句,不知正确与否?还望 告诉我tell的用法有哪些? tell 的用法 甲乙两车的速度比为5:4,两车从AB两地同时出发,3.6小时相遇,走完全程的几分之几 We goand piay near the bay( ? ) Sunny.填介词哦!