
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 06:08:19
Most of yong people are (f )of cheng long根据首字母填空 My uncle has a lot of books but most of ____are covered with dust.A.which B.that C.them D.whom kitty和daniel的面具怎么做?(7A英语书第七十一页) ____will the new school be finished?In two years.AHow long B.How soon为什么不是B有How soon的问句不是用In回答吗? 大爷和大叔在辈分上有什么差别吗? 刚刚开始学口译,怎么练脑记啊?感觉自己脑子不好用似的. 口译怎么记笔记 我叫我爸爸的大哥什么?是大爷还是大伯? you me and the dancefloor什么意思 称呼伯伯叫大爷是哪里方言 求AI - me and you空间链接 求大福的ME AND YOU的空间能用的音乐连接. 写作文时可以写大爷不写伯伯吗 大爷大叔伯伯意思一样,都可以叫吗浆糊了 南方那边叫大爷的多还是大伯多?那如果是中部地区的叫大爷还是大伯我脑子笨 用英语说:他爸爸要求他上课不要说话His father asks him don't speak in class 如果不对 请纠正 负5米的标高用塔尺放在50的位置水准仪的读数为20,a点为6米2,请问水准仪的读数应为多少,怎么计算 对.好,怎样翻译 大爷与大佬爷们这两个叫法有什么区别?两者的含义就是解释意义 help me!1.Children d____ up in strange clothes.2.People stay up until midnight____(see) the New Year in.3.Could you tell me___ ___ ____to gym?4.g____(a buliding for keeping cars)5.She is a news reeporter.She often i___ some funny and famous people. 英文翻译:这里有很多工人,不断更新设备的状态. Le bonheur de passer是什么意思 "宏碁"中的"碁"拼音怎么念!在金山词霸里边没有. acer中文叫什么?那个字我不会读,是几声的拼音,是念qi么? 怎么查到IEEE的文章 Good at English ,come in Can you tell us something ____ you 've never forgotten A,when B,what C.that D.if The writer finds taking notes is important.=The writer finds ____ notes _____ .It's very easy for him to raise $1,000=He has ____ _____ ______ $ IEEE文章查找的问题我想查阅这篇文献 但是在IEEE上搜索不到 这是为什么 应该怎么查找IEEE Power Engineering Society,Microprocessor relays and protection systems 88EH0269-1-PWR.New York,IEEE Service Center,1987,pp.56–64 谁能帮我在ieee explor上下这篇文章呀感谢”Comparative study of clustering techniques for short text documents "万分感谢,邮箱feilong0309@sina.com 设命题p:2x²-3x+1≦0;命题q:x²-(2a+1)x+a(a+1)≦0,若-p是-q的必要不充分条件,求实数a的取值范围 英语翻译仍旧贯,如之何?何必改作.君尔目下虽处在逆境.唯必须持之.不宜变之.见之状.为己周章.则愈形愈挫.不宜见异思迁.坚守旧之况.必有机缘之来.不可慌耶. 羽尝为流矢所中,贯其左臂 的翻译 填空题 4..5(x-y+z)(-x+y+z)[z+(____)][_ __ __ _]=z^2-(____)^2,5,(-a+b+c)(a+b-c)=[b-(_____)] [b+(______)]=[_______]