
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/05 20:56:03
我们好多同学都在讲操你血妈, 求极值应用题1.一半径为R 的圆铁片中挖去一个扇形做成一个漏斗,问留下的扇形中心角 β 取多大时,做成的漏斗容积最大?2.已知半径为R的球内接直圆柱,问内接直圆柱的底半径与高为多少时,才 怎样可以减少垃圾 wu li ti(1)1.5km=( )m=( )cm=( )mm(2)43000nm= ( )um=( )mm=( )cm(3)468m=( )nm(4)15km=( )m(5)2.5h=( )min=( _)s(6)120s=( )min=( )hbi you zhong xie matlab yi dao wen ti~ Thank you!Write a program that would take an integer number from the user and output to the screen all possible triplet combinations that would multiply to the given number.Each set of three numbers (triplets) should appear only 马化腾.你他吗不是人!老子艹你吗去! bai du dao di shi shen meNO shi shen me yi si UFO shi shen me yi si ZHE SHI SHEN ME YI SIZHE SHI SHEN ME YI SI 纬度和经度咋来的 yi dao ying yu ti-What are the students doing in the factories?-They are ________ the environment.They want to know something about it in our city. 直线l经过两点a(5'6)b(1'-2)则该直线的斜率为多少 ying yu wen ti qingjiao yi xiaFather often ____me _____his computer.A.tells ,use B.ask,to useC.made,use D.let ,use 直线l经过两点AB则该线的斜率为 Ying.Yu.Ti. 一些ying yu ti例:No swimming.-You can't swim here.No Photos.-You can't take photos here.No parking.-You can't___________your car here.No smoking.-You can't_____________here.No littering.-You can't___________here.No climbing.-You can't___________ 落花生中我这样说,说明我什么父亲的话 宋朝诗人苏卷的卷读音是什么 有蜻蜓飞翔的作文吗? shu xue wen ti四边形ABCD,CD//AB,AD=BC,对角线AC,BD交于点O,∠ACD=60°,点P,Q,S分别为OA,BC,OD的中点,求证:△SPQ是等边三角形. 感恩作文怎么写四百字左右 世界上大约有多少垃圾快 一根圆木长2米,截成三段后,表面积增加60平方分米,圆木的体积是多少?快回答啊,最好10分钟以内. Every beat of my heard coudly cries your 像方仲勇一样的人事例 draw a lion and colourit是什么意思 A lion and a lion cuba familyA lion and a lion cub___a family.A.am B.is C.are D.do a lion是什么意思? 科技人员常用五氧化二碘(I2O5)来测定空气中一氧化碳的含量,则I2O5中碘元素化合价为( ) 1、圆锥的体积等于圆柱体积的3/1.这道题为什么是错的?2、圆柱的体积大于与它等底等高的圆锥的体积.这道题为什么是对的?3、圆锥的高是圆柱的高的3倍,它们的体积一定相等.这道题为什么是 He may not come to play with you on Sunday 的同意句是什么_he won't _ _ play with you on Sunday.