
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/03 14:51:56
吃鱼脑子人会聪明 鱼脑子为什么这么稀众所周知,陆生动物的脑子都是成块状的,为什么鱼脑子是很稀的?除了生活环境不同以外,还有什么其他因素? chicKen的中文 为什么我鼠标总是黏糊糊的?是我手爱出汗吗?大冷天的- -///我觉得手粘然后去洗手,手洗干净了鼠标也擦了,可是过不久又黏黏的了,求教高人哪,怎么办?天哪我不紧张啊,自己在家上网也会紧张 导致拿破仑的失败的原因是滑铁卢之战的失败吗?还有哪些原因? a term used when .fya term used when one wants to garner attention so that one may request an answer from someone on a particular subject.Yo bitch,you been cheating on me or what?misunderstand The term "pass year" is used for the Spring Festival.什么意思啊? 英语翻译 Funny animals is a term used in comics and animated cartoons __________ the animals are given human characteristics.A.where B.that C.why D.as这是定语从句吗?这题A B区别是啥? 英语翻译Yesterday began with some devastating news with regard to our economic crisis.But I'm pleased to say it ended on a more positive note.单词其实我都知道,就是不知该如何理解此话! 英语翻译searchingI am searching for lovefightingI've been fighting so hard 急求两句话中文翻译,谢谢1.He had merely intimated his pleasure ,in his pride believing that to intimate was to command. 2.Also,in his gambling , he had one besetting weakness---faith in a system. -faith 请帮忙中文翻译一下这两句话(小学知识= = )第一句:How are you ?第二句:Fine,thanks.很感谢,希望可以尽快得到答案 为何在地形图上进行量测工作,可忽视投影变形 地图学中,是否存在没有长度变形的投影,为什么? 地图上的投影可以保持某些方向上的线和面积没有任何变形感觉应该是错误的说法,但不是特别的明白,请高手指点. chicken中文是什么 the -ing attribute can also be used to denote the purpose or use for which the noun to be modified is intended 请问这句话的意思是什么? attribute to和refer to都有归因于的意思 ,下面这个选 什么呢Much of our success in the last six months can be( ) to the fact that all our major construction projects remained on schedule.()里面是选attribute to还是refer to呢?答 bones的汉语意思 eat your chicken bones go!You better off than I have to.翻译 Let's ____ some chicken.(选择并解释)A、has B、have C、eats 英语翻译A few days before your Office 2010 and Internet 8 update,you will receive a personal email informing you of your activation date. 单项选择:-can I ask you a few more questions,sir?-yes,of course____.1never mind 2go ahead 3maybe 单项选择:-can I ask you a few more questions,sir?-yes,of course____.1never mind 2go ahead3maybe请说明原因 英语翻译The term video game is commonly used _1_ with computer game or _2_ game.All have a _3_ to view the game,whether it is a computer monitor or a television screen,and some types of _4_ device in order to play the game,be it a ketboard,a _5_, 求翻译There is just not as much demand for things that are fun to work on as 比较各种薄膜标签材料的综合特性. question about 耽美听很多人在说耽美,到底什么是耽美?耽美艺术又是怎么回事 question about question of区别😳大神快来 question of和question about用法和意义的区别? Question about 苹果减肥三日苹果减肥法的苹果削皮避免农药残存?But I'm in USA,the apples here have no 农药..Should I take the skin off still?help help...