
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/11 05:24:53
电感镇流器与电子镇流器哪个更费电?依据是什么,又没有公式说明? 请问电感镇流器与电子镇流器的区别和相似我们商场装修 上面要求用请问电子镇流器 我就不知道电感镇流器与电子镇流器的区别和相似\. 1\Mr Black is more than a film star.He often us serving people in need in his spare time and1\Mr Black is more than a film star.He often ( )us( ) serving people in need in his spare time and donating money to them.A takes part in B joins; / C 我的英语基础不好,请问应该如何准备四级? she often goes sightseeing in her spare time 请各位高手推荐几个学英语的好方法,具体的,不要空谈的,英语基础不好,要考四级 one step at a 一道英语选择填空题-If our parents would listen more tous ,they would understand us better.-_________.They just expect us to listen.A I believe not B No problemC Good idea D I quite agree with you 英语翻译一句中文一句英文 最好中文呢. take one small step at one step at a time will cause you no 麻烦翻译one step at a time 把“现在见到你是否依然心动”翻译成英文 变定语从句,this is the train.the train can take me therethis is the train。you can go there by train。I like WUHAN。she lives in WUHAN。还有一点翻译他问我明天是否会下雨我想知道你正在和谁说话(翻译成英文) 英语演讲比赛时开头末尾应该说什么,还有演讲过程中应该注意哪些? 英语翻译“她让我心动”这句话怎么翻译? 英语翻译 这句英语是什么意思和结构,太复杂看不懂.She is looking forward as much to his return as he himself to seeing her.to his return是不定式?这两 as ,as 是 as much as 结构 还是分开的.后面这个to seing her 是不定式还是 我正在把这两个单词进行比较 用英语怎么说! 菲律宾人英语很烂?我英语不好 但是玩一个美服游戏被骂死 都说我是fucking Philippines hard english**** Philippines还说我 speak broken english然后被一帮人歧视... 求英语对的翻译~在线翻译不要来哈交互式英语让我通过自主学习·提高了自己英语听力和口语 you are more than that 是什麽意思 there is more to it than that i can no more do that than anyone 英语翻译我是理科生.可是我想自学英语.以后做翻译或者是口译.因为我觉得自己有这方面的潜质.这条路我应该怎么走啊?希望知道的人指点迷津.真诚回答的我可以追加分. 我不懂怎么把英语单词组成一个句子谁和我说下比如疑问句是 什么...加.什么.加.名词.什么BE动词.这样的顺序和我说下还有英语里有哪些句型 都说下 它每天伴我入睡 英语怎么说? Some people believe that some numbers show the__ (hide)side of a persin's personality. In the west some people believe tnat personality can be predicated inin the west some people believe thst personality can be predicated according to the time of the year the person was born 一个人要成功,什么最重要?天分,努力,机遇.只能说一个.为什么? 去奋斗,去追求,去发现,但不要放弃.自信心是成功的首要关键.一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨. “我一直想着你,可你却从不想起我!”翻译英文