
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/01 09:20:29
China saw mounting numbers of museums offering free admissions to the public recently.语法结构.这个英语句子的主谓宾?表现手法?希望能详细讲解. It's the music which gets us ___ ___ A dance B dancing C to dance D to dancing i like Brazilian dance music because i like dancing______music A.with B.to C.of D.at I find it interesting to work with him.哪个是宾语?哪个是宾语补足语? I find to study work with him insteresting=I find it insterestig to study with himI find to study work with him insteresting是正确的么?仅仅是用的少?还是索性就不对 . How do you find ________ to work with him?A. this B.that C. it D. yourself the park is close my home 还是 close to话说,home前面不是不能加to 么 the park is quite_____your home(near,close,between,far) 关于历史的好词好句 中华传统的好词好句 800字以上的初二作文:_____的自述不要抄“电脑的自述”之类的,要抄都要抄鲜为人知那种 橡皮自述作文 自述性散文 我又成长了 高一作文800字. I find it interesting……造句,谢谢 1.subject是可数的还是不可数的?2.on newspapers还是用in,newspapers可数吗?一份报纸 英语小诗 I found it interesting,( )怎样英语小诗 I found it interesting,( ) I found it interesting,( ) I found it interest,I( )the house_I went miles and miles_and I found it interesting,( ) 冰心诗四首选自诗集? jack's birthday is september 2nd.改为否定句. 冰心诗四首选自哪诗集什么 求古代皇宫场景细腻描写要句子,越多越好,不要随便几句话,至少500个字. 人感觉到声音的强弱叫响度,它是由什么和什么决定的 求一篇关于卓别林电影《城市之光(city lights)>的英文观后感,100多字就行了.英文不好,555555- -, 卓别林演过《城市之光》吗﹖ 谁知道黑龙江省鸡西市初中数学七年级下鸡西的数学老是改,我想知道下学期七年级学那些内容,知道的请告诉我.必有酬谢!是课标人教版,一章是图形的认识第二章是二元一次方程三章是不等 黑龙江省鸡西市是否地震 黑龙江省鸡西市海拔多少米? 描写(河北)美丽景色的诗句 画出的式子怎么来的? 请问划线的式子是怎么得出来的? 请问划线的式子怎么推出(高一数学) 高一数学指数函数题*(写式子)*光线通过一块玻璃,起强度要损失10%,把几块这样的玻璃重叠起来,设光线原来的强度喂a,通过x块玻璃为y.(1)写出y关于x的函数关系式:(2)通过多少块玻璃 “目的”和“目标”一样吗?若不一样,两者有何区别?