
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/14 09:27:55
._____ your books,Tom.Don’t leave your things here and there.A.put on B.put off C.Put away D.Put down 已知角θ的终边国电P(-4m,3m),m≠0,则2sinθ+cosθ=? 已知角θ的终边过点P(-4m,3m),m≠0,则2sinθ+cosθ=? 角α终边过P(-4m ,3m)m不等于0,求2sinα+cosα的值? 急死我了 已知角α的终边过点P(-4m,3m),(m≠0),求2sinα+cosα的 告诉我三年级算式题比如1+1=2.这样请马上给我发过来 根据给出条件列出算式,共三题.1.一本故事书,第一周读了全书的1/6,第二周读了全书的1/9,已知前两周共读了100页.这本书共有多少页? 已知x+y=4,x的绝对值加y的绝对值=7,那么x-y的值是多少? 已知X的绝对值=7,Y的绝对值=2,且X+Y的绝对值=-(X+Y),求X-Y的值 一条线上,依次在A1、A2、A3、A4、A5有五个机器人,找一点,社于何处,可使5个机器人与他距离总和最小?当有N个机器人时呢? Do you mind my parking my car here?保持原句意思Do you mind ___ ___ my car here? Would you mind my parking the car here?( ).A.Yes,plaease do.B Yes,as you please.C.No,certainly not D No,please don't选什么解释下为什么其他的不可以? Would you mind my parking the car in front of your house?=Would you mind __ ___ park the car in front of your house? 下列函数在区间(0.兀)上单调递增的是 Ay=sin x B y=log3x C.y=-x∧2 .D y=(½)∧x 求出函数y=sin(x/2+兀/3)的单调递增区间 已知函数f(x)=sin(2X十 六分之一兀)一cos2x求f(x)的最小正周期和单调递增区间 已知函数f(x)=2-sin(2x-兀/6)求(1)f(x)的单调递增区间.(2)当x属[0,2兀]时,f(x)的值域(3)f(x)的周期.(4)f(x)的最大值及相应的x的集合 arctan(4*w)+arctan(5*w)=5怎样求w We want a teacher ____ our English class. 如果一个角是60°,一条直角边又是斜边的一半,能证明他是直角三角形么就是一条边是斜边的一半 Our house is smaller than yours和Your car is the same length改同义句我马上要 sin、tan、cos分别是什么意思?sin二次方60°-tan30°*cos30°+tan45°=? It is b__ our house. 双击可放大 △ABD,△AEC都是等边三角形,求证BE=DC you _______park your bike here.It's a "No Parking" area.A.may not B.don't C.needn't D.must"t Park your car here改为同义句 look at the sign''no parking",we can't park the car 若sina+sina的平方=1,则cosa的平方+cosa的四方= Don't park your car here.(改为同义句) 1_()your car here,or you’ve got to be fined.--- But where on earth can I park A.Not parking答案为DBC(正确性不知) 证明两直线平行的方法有多少?别人说有10个