
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 06:37:49
对不起自己是sorry to myself还是sorry for myself? cry for myself, I am sorry 什么意思? You shouldn't p____ at anyone with your chopsticks. One shouldn't have pity ___ bad people.A.with B.to C.for D.on 选择题People shouldn't __trees because they are thebirds' home.a.cut down b.cut off love tage lange tage翻译成汉字是什么 一道质点平面运动的物理题!在电影中常可看到这样的镜头:直升飞机沿水平方向行驶,某人沿着系在飞机上的绳索竖直向上攀升.如果飞机水平飞行的速度为4m/s,人沿绳索向上运动的速度为1m/s, 物理质点在平面内的运动问题的学法是什么? 我邮寄EMS快递到美国 状态显示 Processed through Sort Facility 这个是不是表明海关已经放行了? first of all,find out()A.where is the thief going B where the thief is goingC.where is the thief going to D.where the thief is going to 英语翻译如题 显微镜中与物象放大直接有关的部分有()和(),为使适量的光线进入视野,应该调节()和() 为什么在低倍显微镜下的物象与在高倍显微镜下的物象相比,前者物象较小,视野较亮 手绘一幅世界地图的简笔图,填上各大洲的名称,国家名称·······要求地形图 谁给张图图让我照着画啊 有什么仪器能测过氧化氢浓度 测过氧化氢含量需要注意什么 影响生活在水面下150米以内的水层中的生物生存的主要非生物因素是( )A 海洋的大型动物 B 阳光 C 温度 D 水 如何孵珍珠鸟家里有个珍珠鸟蛋,同学送的 珍珠鸟 孵多久 珍珠鸟孵化时该注意什么? 根据首字母填空(2道)She broke the r_____ for long-distance-swimming.Do you know the saying ,"Practise makes p__________?" 2道首字母填空1.There are lots of c____ buying things in this supermarket at the weekends.2.I don't know how to s_____ on the NET .can you show me? 首字母填空(2道)Who is c_______ of the Wild Animals Club.You can d___ information from the internet. 首字母填空 要快. 今晚快Lana is my sister. she is three years y-----than me. We are in the same school but not in the same g----.Last night,Lana and l talked for a long time.She told me she was anxious these days,because in about seven days, 初二首字母填空 答的好另有追分 今天就要 There was once a man called Mr.Flowers,and flowers were his only joy in life.He spent all his spare time in one of his four glass-houses and grew flowers of every kind with l_1_ and difficult n 女人有时间观念么如题 我总是生病 有时候没生病也总是想着会不会生病 妈妈就跟我说你要想着自已要好起来才会好起来 这是真的吗 信念真的这么重要吗 “你还要ㄍ一ㄥ多久你到底挑什么” 中的 群挑是什么意思 Mr.Jeff liked s____very much but he was n____good at it.A month ago some of his friends visited him in his house and saw a new target which Jeff had put s_____days before in his garden.His friends went n_____and looked at his beautiful target,there w