
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 12:05:25
1-10would u mind ( )alone at home tonight ,tom?1.leaving 2.being left 3.to leave4.to be left不是1。 If the babysitter cannot come tomorrow,do you mind____alone at home, doing his homework?A. Fred's leaving B. Fred being left C.Fred's having left D.Fred having been left选出答案,更要说明原因 [w79] -Do you mind _______ alone at home while you are at work?-She must be cared for bysomeone .After all,she is over eighty.A.her leaving B.her leaving left C.her to be left D.her being left 请翻译,并分析. 被见血封喉弄死的动物能吃吗 我有一头乌黑发亮的头发用英语怎么说快啊,下午考试,好的加悬赏, “一头头发”英语怎么说?如题 it is so nice to be in a warm place 中文nice to be 是很高兴的意思吗? It's nice to be back It's a nice place.(改为感叹句)_______a nice place! 假如你养了一只鸟,以My Pet为题,写一篇50词的英语小短文 动物防御方式中哲刺的动物有蜜蜂,那么蝎子、黄蜂的防御方式是哲刺还是喷射毒液呢?具体分类是怎样的?有知道者请给以帮助,在这里谢谢了. 有什么好听的英文的老歌么,比如Yesterday once more,love is blue,I'm the wind,之类的 I thank ___.Because she likes to ___ ___snow,andshe can ___ a snowman.补全对话冀教版五下英语第19页第2题第7小题 什么动物的毒液喷射的最远? Lucy prefers w____ to summer as she likes snow she preters w to summer as she likes snow 繁花似锦中似是什么意思 繁花似锦中的锦是什么意思 繁花似锦的锦的意思 繁花似锦的意思 什么动物不怕任何动物毒液攻击世界最毒的动物是什么,它会不会被其它动物毒死 爪怎么区分zhua zhao两种读音 是in our opinion,还是in our opinions啊? 爪两个读音 区别别给我字典上的答案,请给我您自己的见解. 2.In your opinion is this cost effective in relation to our orders? 一个英语句法问题 a set of keys 应该用is还是are提问 那a pair of shoes呢 梦到满天星星然后出现流星,我就抓紧时间许愿害怕他太快没了,可是后面接着还有很多流星直到我许完愿,何解 为什么小时候看着满天的星星,当流星飞过的时候却总来不及许愿;长大后,遇见了自己非常喜小时候,看着满天的星星,当流星飞过的时候却总来不及许愿;长大后,遇见了自己非常喜欢的人,却 what other things do you see?(改成同义句)__________ ____________do you see? 谁能把详细的弟子规,介绍给我 连词成句 you .agree.who.you.with .can.find .people What other things can you see in the photograph这个句子如何改同义句?( )can you see in the photograph只改前面三个词