
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/27 04:00:39
英国历史学家汤因比研究过21种文明在历史上曾经出现过这二十一种文明都是哪些? elementary functions是什么意思 现在英国著名史学家汤因比说如果让我选择,我愿意活在中国的宋朝其选择的依据是A君弱臣强,政治开明B偃武修文,文明昌盛C科举完善,教育普及D经济繁荣,重心南移最佳选项B,为什么? 简单对容易正如复杂对( ).( )对笔直正如山道对弯曲.勤劳对( )正如懒惰对贫穷.( )对湖水正如汹涌对海浪.( )对成功正如骄傲对( ) 勤劳的人为什么贫穷,懒惰的人为什么富有? departure functions什么意思 Youthful years that are spent in laziness,will reap only vain regret and grief. i regret saying that he is not brave enough 野鹅敢死队 THE WILD GEESE怎么样 hallway和corridor有什么区别? corridor与corrider有什么区别 corridor和aisle的区别? 黄色叹号灯什么意思? functions是什么意思 alternate functions是什么意思 anybody help me please ,about math一桶油连桶重10千克,倒出一半后,连桶还重5.5千克,原来有油多少千克? .can anybody help me?美剧行尸走肉里,男猪脚问"did you kill a man?"那个小孩子说"were no man,"为毛他爸爸就骂他,然后他就改口说"it wasnt a man",were no man这种说法很粗俗么? ANYBODY HELPshall advise HI of all legal requirements which affect the labeling of the Products in the Territory.shall use trademarks only in conjunction with its role as a distributor pursuant to this Agreement.shall comply with all reasonable reque 毛概我国收入差距持续扩大的原因是什么 社会发展速度越快越好吗?(毛概题目判断论述题) If you want to go fast,go alone.If you want to gIf you want to go fast,go alone.If you want to go far,go together terrace和balcony都是阳台.它们有什么区别吗? BALCONY怎么样 我妹妹喜欢粉色的连衣裙用英语怎么说 balcony的复数是什么 balcony什么意思 直升机悬停后,设想直升机,以绝对垂直的,高度悬停,2小时后,再垂直降落,能否落到原点,. Are you sure you want to and I together.帮我翻译成中文 Anybody can help me Hi,guys,I am newbie here,I am looking for some crazy machines with no.K-17231 and E-96715.Can anybody help me be less than delighted是什么意思? 我想给日本老师写一封英语的信, 求翻译 请问这里是UC的lobby吗?