
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/22 19:40:13
不锈钢壁厚问题:不小于140公称壁厚的5%是什么意思? 透明红色金属油墨印刷在铝板上几个月后就变成白色了,为什么会变色? 有谁能把这句英文译成汉语:The boys had put out the campfire.The firewasn't alight. c( )( )d ( )( )tist t( )( )n sp( )rt str()()m cl()()ner rep()()ters()()d n()rth v()pour 1 sw_ep 2 c_ _k 3 w_ter 4cl_ _n 51 sw_ep 2 c_ _k 3 w_ter 4cl_ _n 5 fl_or 6 m_als 如何拓展业务 We have lunch_______five_______twelve in the morming NBA现在谁最牛B 杏鲍菇和鸡腿菇怎么区分本来想买杏鲍菇的,买回来吃了才发现味道不对(虽然也挺好吃的),看超市小票才知道是鸡腿菇我和冰箱里以前买的杏鲍菇比较,看来看去都没发现有什么区别,个头差不 There is a wide variety of animals in the zoo.(改为同意句)There are _____ ______ ______ animals in the zoo. 如图,矩形ABCD中,AD=7,AB=BE=2,点P是EC(包括E、C)上的动点,线段AP的中垂线分别交BC,AD于点F,G,BP=x,AG=y1.四边形AFPG是什么图形?请说明理由2.求y与x的函数解析式 杏鲍菇是不是鸡腿菇 鸡腿菇和杏鲍菇哪个蛋白含量高 白灵菇,杏鲍菇,鸡腿菇,秀珍菇,金针菇的英文翻译? 已知线段AB,它有一条垂直平分线L,L的右侧有一点P.试说明AP与BP的大小关系 火锅店常吃的菌菇是哪些?鸡腿菇、金针菇、杏鲍菇、香菇,还有呢? 1.The tap was on.The tap wasn't______.2.When he saw the huge fire,he frozeHe____ ____suddenly when he saw the huge fire.3.lt is polite of her to give her seat to an old lady._______is polite____give her seat to an old lady.4.After Lucy finished her d 英语翻译Aunt Hattie's arrival from Florida was a bright spot.She wore a fancy light-blue bonnet when we picked her up at the bus station.“The color goes well with my white hair,” she said,and it matched her twinkling eyes.Aunt Hattie had a sm tap the lighet when itturns yellow意思 谁能帮我翻译一下?某人的日志,有些地方我不太懂.Is recent of I Is recent of I think many, make my whole individual all distressed a lot of, now I just discover, originally have been canning not forget you, see you each time, all 经分析某一液体中只含一种元素,该液体是什么? 停车坐爰枫林晚的坐是什么意思 停车坐爰枫林晚坐的意思 停车坐在枫林晚的坐是什么意思! 英语翻译I just laughed.I didn't even know what a bobsled looked like.Winter Games?I was used to running in hot weather with as little clothing as possible.I grew up down south.We barely had winter."Really,I'm serious," Johnny said."The main requi 举例说明混合物种所含元素种类不一定是两种或两种以上 A、C为无色液体,B、D为无色气体.A、C中元素种类相同,一个A分子中含4个原子,其两种原色的质量比为1:16.他们之间能发生如下变化,其中B是人类生存的最主要的气体.请你根据所学的化学知识作 已知A、B、C是初中化学常见物质,A、B都含有两种元素切所含元素种类相同,三者之间有这样的转化关系(箭头表生成)A→B A→C B→C C→B请问ABC分别为什么 氧离子,氖原子,铝离子最外层电子数相同吗? 氧气叫2原子3电子派键,一氧化氮也叫2原子3电子派键,“电子”前的数指总数还是每个的数啊 初三英语课文里有个句子“bottles are made from glass”为什么用made from 玻璃瓶看不出原材料吗? 怎样解决ai图形重叠前后问题?怎么让两个重叠的图形前后切换?