
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/21 09:35:14
冷风怎么造句 用凉风习习 皎洁 青蛙 丰收 连起来造句 气体灭火的原理、适用场所 急.GB50016-2006-建筑设计防火规范甲类/乙类、丙类危险化学品清单 (中英版也可) 清风高谊 造句酹毕,抵家月余,即走毗陵,省其妻子,告以物故之由,述其殡殓之悉。又出四万缗付二家,责其族人为之经纪,使不失所。慰之曰:“贤夫骨殖,待区区过杭,必当取回贵乡 将线段AB向右移动3cm得到线段CD,如果AB=5cm,则CD= 求过点A(3,5)且与曲线y=x2(2是平方)相切的直线方程我求其中一个直线方程时把A当做切点,用导数y`=2x求出k再设直线方程为y=kx+b把A带入,求出的方程与正确答案不符,我不知道哪里错了,求解详 线性代数 矩阵 22 (3) 如何做? 在直角三角形abc中,角C=90,分别以AC,BC 在直角三角形ABC中,角C=90度,角B=15度,DE垂直平分AB,交BC于E,BE=5,求AC的长 长度为a的线段AB两端点A,B在抛物线y²=x上移动.AB的中点为M.(1)当0<a<1,求点M到y轴的最小距离.(2)a≥1,求点M到y轴的最小距离. 线性代数中的极大无关组的求法最好有例子加以说明 关于鹅的作文 什么叫考查课 谁有写鹅的作文呀500字 一定要真情实感 麻辣鹅作文?写麻辣鹅 小明的房间地板,原来是用边长为3分米的方砖铺成,共用960块,现在重新装修要改用边长为4分米的方砖来铺,需要( )块 如图,三角形ABC中,角C=90°,以C为圆心的圆与AB相切于点D,若AD=4,BD=9,则圆O的半径为?. 如图,三角形ABC中,∠C=90°,AC=12,BC=16,点O在AB上,圆O与BC相切于D点,连AD,则BD的长为 We are trying to __( 改善) our life. The students aren't allowed to throw any waste things on the ground.(保持句意不变)The students ____throw any ____ on the ground. You can't throw paper.同义句转换.You are____ ______ _____throw paper.I don't agree with the decision.同义句转换。I_____ ______the decision. don't throw waste paper every where,will you 哪里错了?.看补充A,don't B,paper C,every where D,will you2.he told some stories to make all of us to laugh A.told B,some C,all of us D,to laugh改错 1.若x满足216x³+125=0,则x=______.2.使3√﹙-2|a|+9﹚为最大的负整数,则a___________.注:第2题的“√”为平方根. 用方程组做. 为什么发不出贴?回贴发不出去是怎么回事? mrs.white told tim that he mustn"t throw paper on the ground.(改为简单句)mrs.white told tim____ _____throw paper on the ground. Don't throw paper on the ground的答语 是sorry还是that is all right 如果发讨论的帖子啊?知道的告诉下哈 我想讨论下关于巨白的,看看大家都怕巨白的什么以及打法,我好照着学,知己知彼嘛! mar whrite told tom not to throw paper on the ground改为复合句怎么改 He told Tom tant he mustn`t thorw paper on the ground 同义局He told TOM ( ) ( ) throw paper on the ground 填空He told Tom tant he mustn`t thorw paper on the ground 同义句 请解答方程组:(39)2x+y=5 (40)x+y=7 (41)2x+3y=12 (42)2x+y=3ax+3y=7 2x-y=8 3x+4y=17 3x-5y=11(43)3x+y=82 (44)3(x-1)=y+5 45 x/4+y/3=7 (46)x+y/3 +x-y/2=610x-11y=87 5(y-1)=3(x+5) 2/3x+y/2=14 3(x+y-)2(x-y)=28