
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/07 03:37:50
设有连续函数f(x)满足∫f(tx)dt(从0到1)=f(x)+xsinx,求f(x). 对于函数f(x),若存在x0属于R,使f(x0)=x0,则称x0为函数f(x)的不动点,已知f(x)=ax^2=(b+1)x+(b-1) (a不等于0)(1)当a=1,b=-2,求函数f(x)的不动点(2)若对任意实数,函数f(x)恒有两个相异不动点,求a的取值范 对于定义在R上的函数F(X),如果存在实数x0,使F(X0)=X0,那么X0叫做函数F(X)的一个不动点.已知函数F(X)=x^2+2ax+1不存在不动点,则a的取值范围?答案是(-0.5,1. 对于函数f(x),若存在x0使得f(x0)=x0成立,则称点(x0,x0)为函数f(x)的不动点,对于任意实数b,函数f(x)=ax^2+bx-b总有两个相异的不动点,求a的范围 对于函数f(x)=ax2+(b+1)x+b-2(a≠0),若存在实数x0,使f(x0)=x0成立,则称x0为f(x)的不动点.(1)当a=2,b=-2时,求f(x)的不动点;(2)若对于任何实数b,函数f(x)恒有两相异的不动点,求 对于函数F(X),若存在X0<R,使F(X0)=X0成立,则称X0为F(X)的不动点,已知函数F(X)=AX∨2 +(B+1)X+(B-1)(A≠0)1)当a=1,b=2时,求函数f(x)的不动点 2)若对任意实数b,函数恒有两个相异的不动点,求a的取值范围3 对于函数fx定义域为D若存在x0属于D是使f(X0)=X0则称(X0,XO)为fx图像上的不动点,已知函数fx=9x-5/x+3求出函数定义域和函数图像上的不动点的坐标 已知函数f(x)=x^3-x^2+x/2+1/4,证明存在x0∈(0,1/2)使f(x0)=x0 x-(9.8+3.2)=20.5 解 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1=20只准用加减法 2-2^2-2^3-2^4-2^5-2^6-2^7-2^8-2^9.-2^20=?快!求详解 2-2^2-2^3-2^4-2^5-2^6-2^7-2^8-2^9.+2^20 过程 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+.+20=? 4.2 *45%+5.8 3分之2减X=9分之2 4分之5+X=2又2分之1 2X+8分之3=8分之3 X+(4分之3减10分之3)=20分之9 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+12+14+16+18+20=? 初一英语短文填词Last weekend ,Xiao Ming and his classmates went to the m( ).When they a( ) at the mountains,they s( ) rubbish here and there.The ground l( ) very dirty.They had a short meeting and d( ) to pick up the rubbish while they climbe 初一英语短文填词!急Kashi in the Uygur language(维吾尔语)means“a place of jade(翡翠;玉)”.It is an important _______in northeastern China.There is a saying:Without(没有)visiting Kashi City,you ______say you visited John is five years old.He has a b__1__drum.John l__2__it very much.He often strikes it at n__3__and makes much noise.One of his neighbors is very a__4__about the noise.One day,the neighbor s__5__to John,"Do you k__6__there is something very nice in y 短文填词,每空一词1is my backpack.In my 2 ,I have an English 3 .Its name 4 Go for it I have 5 baseball 6 have a pencil 7 too.In 8 pencil case I have 9 eraser a ruler a pen 10 a pencil1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 . ,短文填词,My name is Li Lei.Ian eleven.I an from China.My mum and dad w___1__ in a big factory.They go to work e __2___day but rest two days in a week.I have a sister.She is very nice.We l__3__ like each other very much and we like to h___4__ eac 求初一英语填词but they shake hands after they have not met for a long time or when they will be a___ from each other for a long time 急My favourite star is Jackie Chan .He is a great actor .He has a n____ movie,Speed.It's very scary action movie .I think it's exciing .Jay likes Michelle Yan best .He likes her f____ movie,Sleeoless Night. 初一英语 填词 理由 初一英语阅读理解填词Mr.Clark is very busy every year.This summer he h_____ two weeks off for his vacation .He wanted to have a good rest .So he took his f_____ to the b______.The weather there was sunny and windy .And the waves were beautif 阅读理解填词.Anna is twelve years old this year.She is quiet and she is good at p_____.Last Saturday,she had a happy Children's Day.Her parents took her to the b_____to spend her last Children's Day.They camped by the sea after they g_____there 求初一英语阅读题及答案,要短的.记住全文要短的, 初一英语阅读理解题Tom was a worker.He liked to grow vegetables in his garden when he was free.One day after breakfast he put on his old clothes and began digging in his garden at eight.He dug and dug.After an hour he suddenly found a coin ne 初一英语填词 初一英语,填词 第一题72,64,(),40()() 第二题51,58(),72()86() 51题详解