
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/27 08:55:56
过抛物线y2=2x 的焦点F作直线问 空应如何填空?为什么?/> 抛物线y2=2x与过焦点的直线交于A、B两点,焦点指什么,怎么求 初二勾股定理应用公路上A,B两站相距25KM,C,D为两村庄,DA垂直于AB,CB垂直于AB,垂足分别为点A,B.已知DA长10KM,CB长15KM,现要在公路AB上建一个日用品大卖场为E,使得C,D两村到大卖场E的距离相等,那么大 将直线y=2x+2向右平移3个单位再向上平移1个单位,求平移后直线的解析式.∴平移后直线的解析式为:y=2x-8.根据以上信息解答下面问题.将一次函数y=-x+2的图像向左平移一个单位,再向下平移2个 高中数学~抛物线~P是y2(平方)=2x上的动点,p到准线的距离为d,A(7/2,4)求pA+d的最小值 将直线y=-2x+3向下平移5的个单位,得到直线_ 直线y=x+5由直线___向上平移2个单位得到.函数y=kx-4的图像平行于直线y=-2x,求函数的表达式为 将直线y=-2x+3向下平移2个单位长度得到的直线为?要有步骤,不仅仅只有个答案 求魔方教程,图文的!我想学魔方. 狼奔逐突,什么意思? ( )计其数 不可计其数的意思?今天就要, 彻底打乱的魔方怎么复原打乱的很彻底,我自己弄的,不知道怎么复原了- -好郁闷的... 数计系迎新晚会主题名字?帮我想个数计系的迎新晚会主题,如果能以:数(...),计(...).更好!数统新韵 计日程功 这个有了,如果可以,再多想几个,不用数...计...也可以 有没有带春节的四字成语 写出与下列成语意义相近的成语安如泰山--( ) 汗牛充栋--( ) 百年不遇--( ) 如火如荼--( ) 名副其实--( ) 百孔千疮--( ) 死灰复燃--( ) 每况愈下--( ) 迫不及待--( ) 含沙射影--( ) 画地为牢--( ) 画饼充 难以数计是什么意思 一道关于弹簧测力计示数问题如图,弹簧测力计和地面接触,弹簧测力计静止 两边是两个动滑轮重物G1>G2 问弹簧测力计的示数弹簧测力计是静止的!说明有向右的摩擦力、、我是初中生,所 >课内阅读.三人在庙檐下立地看火.数内一个①道:“这条计好么?”一个.. 这道题怎样做 成语填空 最昂贵的地方( ) 最长的腿( ) 最激烈的辩论会( ) 最大的工程 ( ) 最大的嘴巴( ) 写成语 最昂贵的话() 最长的腿() 最大的工程() 最大的嘴巴() GMAT一道CR题Although parapsychology is often considered a pseudoscience,it is in fact a genuine scientific enterprise,for it uses scientific methods such as controlled experiments and statistical tests of clearly stated hypotheses to examine the q GMAT一道CR,help~Although fullerenes--spherical molecules made entirely of carbon--were first found in the laboratory, they have since been found in nature, formed in fissures of the rare mineral shungite. Since laboratory synthesis of fullerenes r 问一道GMAT数学和CRIn order to withstand tidal currents,juvenile horseshoe crabs frequently burrow in the sand.Such burrowing discourages barnacles from clinging to their shells.When fully grown,however,the crabs can readily withstand tidal curr GMAT prep一道CR,求助Some historians contend that con- ditions in the United States during the Second World War gave rise to a Line dynamic wartime alliance between (5) trade unions and the African American community, an alliance that advanced the 妊娠周数的具体意义,HCG的说明上说明妊娠1周,还有2周的检测值,这个是不是从受精那天开始算啊,不然怎么会有1周的数值呢,我想问下所谓一周的HCG数值是从哪天算起啊,要是从月经最后一天算 gmat In the year following an eight-cent increase in the federal tax on a pack of cigarettes,sales of cigarettes fell ten percent.In contrast,in the year prior to the tax increase,sales had fallen one percent.The volume of cigarette sales is therefor 沐(_)而寇 为(_)作伥 封(_)长蛇 (_)肠鸟道 (_)突狼奔 猫(_)同眠在()里添上一种动物的名称,组成成语 攀()附凤 为()作伥 ()突狼奔攀()附凤 为()作伥 ()突狼奔 沐()而冠 封()长蛇 心()意马 狡()三窟 ()走乌飞 ()突狼奔填上一种动物的名称 ( )是40的4/5;40是( )的4/5;比20千克多1/4是( )千克;20千克比( )少1/5 求这道【gmat 逻辑】的正确答案T-3-Q8.The number of applications for teaching positions in Newtown’s public schools was 5.7 percent lower in 1993 than in 1985 and 5.9 percent lower in 1994 than in 1985.despite a steadily growing student p