
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/05 16:10:33
若方程x^2-mx+2=0在(1,4)内有两解,求实数m的取值范围 已知f(x)满足f(ab)=f(a)+f(b),且f(2)=p,f(3)=q,那么f(72)等于? (1)已知f(x)=m+2/3^2-1是奇函数,求m的值(2)问k为何值时,方程/3^2-1/=k无解,一解, Peter is afraid ( )in front of others because his English is not good 过点p(0,1)作一条直线,是它夹在两条直线x-3y+10=0和2x+y-8=0间的线段被点p平分,求这条直线的方程 同义句:he didn't wor hard.Because of this,he failed his exam. he didn't wor hard.____ ____ ____ ,hehe didn't wor hard.____ ____ ____ ,he failed his exam. 已知等腰直角三角形ABC的斜边AB所在直线的方程是3x-y+2=0,点C的坐标为(2又5分之4,5分之2),求直线AC和直线BC的方程,并求三角形ABC的面积 peter's m____ doesn't like to g___into this room because it's always u___ He is afraid of speaking English because he is afraid of by othersHe is afraid of speaking English because he is afraid of _____ _____ ______by others.他害怕说英语,因为害怕别人嘲笑他 所有和mercy 有关的词组要中文哦 社会学 论述题 社会制度的基本功能 初中语文课程标准要求的16篇文言文的具体篇目是哪些? 请用自己的语言来谈谈,社会制度变革的原因!请用自己的语言,从下面3个方面来谈谈,社会制度变革的原因.第一,社会发展的要求使然.第二,社会制度的生命周期决定.第三,社会制度的相关因素 什么是社会制度?试举例说明社会制度发生变迁的影响因素. 社会制度演变的根源是什么 《生死攸关的烛光》这个故事的主要内容是什么?是什么给了这三个人如此大的勇气和力量? 生死攸关的烛光中心思想急需答案 求助在“Word”里写文章,怎么看字数! 关于名著阅读题讲述一个你所熟悉的名著中的故事。(书名,人名,有关情节,运用一个成语或名言之类的)例:水浒传中,嫉恶如仇的鲁提辖听了金氏父女的哭诉,毅然出手,三拳打死了 社会学回答社会\"应该怎样\"的问题,这是社会学的 选项:a、描述功能 b、解释功能 c、预测功能 d、规范功 求三国演义读后感10篇不要抄的,自己写,每篇300字左右感想, 三国演义读后感十篇 新三国演义观后感10篇, 求三国演义读后感250字,要十篇! “I know you study hard .But why didn't you pass the exam?” Mr.Green asked in ___ .A.surpriseB.surprises C.surprising didn't study hard.He is _____ failing the exam.He didn't study hard.He is _____ failing the exam.A.in danger B.in danger of C.dangerous word文档中,在同一行的中英文如何分成一行英文一行中文,想把下面的这种变成上面行是中文下面行是英文的由于有十三个文档需要进行此项操作,每个文档都二十多页,希望有快速的办法,不是 give sb away 求翻译 1、The doctor arranged she_______stay in bad for few days.A、could B、can C、should D、must2、while shopping,people sometimes can't help_______into buying something they don't really need.A、to persuade B、persuading C、being persuaded D、b 三题高一英语,1,Many people agree that ___ knowledge of English is a must in ___ international trade today./.请问下为什么2,"All are present and all is going on well".请问为什么第一个是are第二个是is3,--It was not until I came b 2、Let me have another look.和Let me see it again.两句意思相同吗?可以混用吗? let me have a look和let me have another look有什么区别?