
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/07 18:31:41
初三英语——定语从句用where或that填空.1、Beijing is a city____people are really friendly.2、Beijing is a city____has a long history.3、This is the place_____it's warm in winter and cool in summer.4、This is the place_____is near the 初三英语定语从句连接1..I want to watch action movies.The movies are exciting.2..The girl joined the League yesterday .Hervoice is sweet.3..The studentis very tall.He is absent today.4..The man is Kangkang's father .Jane taled to the man.5.. 最近我们在学定语从句~1.This is the musician ____________ wrote lyrics for song.2.Have you ever heard of the photograph___________photos are on exibition in museum?3.He told me everything ___________he had seen in the trafic accident.4.The 杜甫 绝句每首几行 律诗每首几行 绝句古诗 原创的古诗绝句律诗各一首一定要自己创作的,老师要检查的,作为平时成绩的, 古诗:要杜甫的! 绝句 古诗南宋)僧志南 古木阴中系短篷,杖藜扶我过桥东.沾衣欲湿杏花雨,吹面不寒杨柳风的解释 Who is the man___is talking to your mother?这个地方我觉得是不填的,因为是要填who,这个地方可以省略,所以不用填,可是为为什么我们老师填的是that 初三英语定语从句的题例句:It's a surprising building which is made of earth.It's an amazing building which is unique in the world.It's a beautiful building that forms a huge ring or square.It's a beautiful building that can protect again 几道初三英语题.(有关定语从句的)1.It was this reason _______he was late for school.A.that B.which C.because D.because of2.There are many boys here,none of_______ like singing.A.who B.whom C.that D.which3.Betty 定语从句问题定语从句中缺主语 如Is this the factory which /that makes TV sets?The man who /that visited our school is from Australia. 我想知道怎么才算是缺主语?缺宾语Gone are the days which /that we spent together 法制在我心中儿歌童谣今天就要,过期不候,短一点.体裁要儿歌、歌谣和诗歌.(我要做手抄报.)最好每位都给几首, 关于家乡变化的儿歌童谣 250字以内大伙帮个忙,有急用! 我想要几首儿歌童谣!(最好是三个字的形式的)我家宝宝2岁了,想教她唱儿歌,现在她会了“小老鼠,上灯台,偷油吃,下不来,喵喵喵,猫来了,叽里咕噜,滚下来”最好能象这样三个字形式的儿歌, 有没有儿歌童谣?自己编的 in. honour. of都有什么意思 初三英语定语从句第6题 初三英语,关于定语从句的,在线等,三题都要 what languages are you learning now?I'm learning French _____English and Japanese a.besideb.butc.exceptd.besides 中文名改英文名张锦诚改下英文名,. 用中文名改英文名字 如何改我的名 绍颖 把我的中文名改英文名我的名字叫"张金星"希望各位英语好的改下! 帮忙根据我的中文名,改成英文名我的名字叫欣宏,THX 外贸服装英语翻译 fabric:100% nvlon lining 100% polyester filling:polyfill 1.写出下列各生命系统所对应层次①一片刚刚采摘完的葡萄园②一片葡萄园中所有葡萄③一颗葡萄树上一片叶子④一根枯木及枯木上所有生物2.写出组成仙人掌生命系统结构层次 生物问题撒 、1、模仿长颈鹿的身体结构特点设计了宇航服,使宇航员在_____状态下,保证血液正常流向离心脏较远的____.2、领用了蝙蝠的____发明了雷达.3、利用了乌龟的_____原理制造了_____.4、 如图是某个二倍体动物的几个细胞分裂示意图(数字代表染色体,字母代表染色体上带有的基因).据图判断不正确的是 ( A.该动物的性别是雄性的?B.乙细胞表明该动物发生了基因突变或基因 1 请看看下列几道题,1不具有染色体的生物是()A酵母菌 B硝化细菌 C根细菌 D衣藻3没有成形的细胞核与没有细胞结构的生物分别是()A大肠杆菌与蓝藻 B大肠杆菌与病毒 C大肠杆菌与酵母菌 D 高中生物很简单的题在某株桃树上偶然发现个别芽变,与将变异芽的形状保留下来,则应A 等开花时进行自花受粉 B 等开花时接受同株花粉C.取下变异芽嫁接到砧木上为什么AB不行? 国际贸易与英语翻译哪个好就业前景大神们帮帮忙 在线中文名改英文名我叫杨薪玉,请问如何改个接近的英文名