
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/06 02:56:26
help,chenjie,for,look,to,her,pen 连词成句It makes her to feel better(改正错误)tony's fish is smaller than mike (改正错误) 怎么判断一个句子中有没有插入语 翙翙其羽什么意思 求解如何改Using modal auxiliary:59.I was sure that nobody had noticed his absence.59.I was sure that nobody had noticed his absence.The plane roared over and the bombs came down,which killed almost all the people in the village.[Down came the bo 请翻译成英文:错误可能出现在摩根银行或你的银行. 英语翻译Goldman,Morgan Stanley Bring Down Curtain on Wall Street Era新闻标题 与 奇花异草 相似的成语是要带奇和异的还是这种格式的 照样子写成语:奇花异草 pitiful,pitiable,pathetic 这三个单词表示“可怜的” 有什么不同? 同情与可怜的区别 poignant和pathetic区别不要英文的, pathetical和pathetic什么区别 春风再渡玉门关. 春风再渡玉门关这句话什么意思 找出与所给字母含有相同读音的选项 .(1)L A.h B.l C.m D.e (2) E A.f B.g C.j D.l (3)G A.j B.a C.m D.c 新概念4册的课文是亚历山大自己写的还是他选别人文章编的? 粤语“景”怎么读 风情 用粤语怎么说 “小蛮腰”,究竟是谁的腰呢 学新概念三册行吗? 春风要渡玉门关 英语 48 为什么选a不选c object to do不对嘛? 还有什么像object to一样后面加doing而不是do的 object to后面是接doing吗85.Nancy refused the assistance provided,for she objected________________(被当成残疾人看待).85.to be treated as the disabled怎么答案是to后面接原型 人老下月定胜底捞人老下月定胜底捞涯海天人海角人山,这16个字怎样才能组成4个连环成语? 英语星期三怎么说 插入语判断Elizabeth Bennet:Sir,I appreciate the struggle you have been through,and I am very sorry to have caused you pain.“ you have been through”是插入语吗? 如何判断这是否是插入语?The people who we thought would always be there for us,leave.这句句子里的we thought 是不是 插入语呢?如何判断 we think,you know,you see,i believe,i think .do you think/believe/guess/是在句子中充 怎样判断插入语 初中英语不必讲得太深奥,讲点基础的就行. 怎样判断英语中的插入语?快我在线等最好可以举个例子说明 在初中英语试题中的《阅读理解二》中,回答时可以用阿拉伯数字吗?还是必须用英文数字?例:How many resolutions?Ten\10 有to doing sth的说法吗?