
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/05 18:35:18
(+1)+(-2)+(+3)+(-4)+...+(+99)+(-100)这道题怎么做, 会计基础 判断题收入减去费用后的金额如果为正数,则代表盈利,如果为负数,则代表亏损. 2x-4y-xy+2y^2ab+ac-b^2-bc4a^2+4ab+b^2-1c^2-a^2-2ab+1x^2-4y^2+12yz-9z^2a^2b^2-c^2+2ab+1c^2-a^2-2ab+b^2 California is located in the far west of the USA and has a long Pacific Ocean coastline.With almost 34 million people,it has the largest population of any of the states of the USA.It is the third largest in 85 ,with just over 400,000 square kilometre 首字母填空.C( ) is a state in the west of America. 有california lies off the west coast of the USA 一说吗 CA is which state of USA? (3x+1)^5=ax^5+bx^4+cx^3+dx^2+ex+f,求b+d+f,杨辉三角以利用杨辉三角求出:设(3x+1)^5为(a+b)^5,依次带入,求出(a+b)^5为a^5+5a^4b+10a^3b^2+10a^2b^3+5ab^4+b^5..请问如何带入求值‘为什么要令A=3呢? 分解因式(1)x平方(x-y)立方+y平方(y-x)立方(2)9(a+b)平方+12(a+b)+4(3)(x平方+1)平方-4x平方 (1)5(x-y)立方+10(y-x)平方(2)18b(a-b)平方-12(a-b)立方(3)2a(x-a)+4b(a-x)-6x(x-a)(4)x(x-2)-3 分组分解法例题p-q+k(p-q) 5PM or 730AM California USA time分别是我们北京时间的几点 英语翻译外研版八年级英语上 module 11 unit 2 when’s the best time to visit your town or country啊 The people of USA elected him ___ president for the second time.A.the B.a C.as D./ “1/1+√2+1/√2√3+1/√3+√4+……+1/√98+√99+1/√99+√100”怎么化简? 化简(2-√2/1*2)+(3√2-2√3/2*3)+(4√3-3√4/3*4)+...+(100√99-99√100/99*100) the Supreme Court的中文意思 THE SUPREME COURT怎么样 in1915 the supreme courtin 1915,the supreme court of the US polayed a role in whipping up the anticommunist hysteria bu convicting 11 high ranking communist leaders.请问如何翻译 已知(3x-1)^4=ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e (1)求a+b+c+d+e (2) 求a+c+e 已知a>0,b 已知a+b<0且a/b>0,化简|a+b|-|ab|+|a|-|b|=( ) 已知ab<0,化简|a|/a+b/|b| 已知a 3x4+ x3-4x2-17x+5除以x2+ x+1的商式是ax2+ bx+c,余式是dx+e,求(a+b+c)d+e的值 化简:[(a+b)2-(a-b)2]÷(-ab). 因式分解和整式乘法有什么区别? 因式分解与整式乘法有何联系与区别? 第一题(2x+1)(-2x+1) 第二题 10.5x9.5(用简便算法) 第三题(x-2y) (x+2y)-(x+2y)² 第四题 (a+b+c) (a+b-c) 整式乘法与因式分解由这个(x-y)^2-2(x-y)*(1/2)+(1/2)^2=0 怎么能到这个x-y=1/2(1) 化简(-b/a)÷b/a^2-a的结果是() A.-a-1 B.-a+1 C.-ab+1 D.-ab+b 解方程:0.25x+3=0.3x+2填空:13.25/1.4的商是9.4,余数是( )6吨4千克=( )吨把一根2米长的电线平均分成5段,每段占这根电线的( ),每段长( )