
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 10:28:33
下列加点字注音正确的一项是 对画线部分提问的第1、2、4题 1.下列加点字的注音,全都正确的一项是( )A.楔(xiē)子  亢(kàng)旱 阡(xiān)陌 苌(cháng)弘化碧 B.金钏(chuàn) 谂(shěn)知 厮(sī)守  蹉(juē)跎年华 C.戕( 已知氧化还原反应zn+cu2+ =zn2++cu,设计一个原电池(1)写出电极反应 (2)画出原电已知氧化还原反应zn+cu2+=zn2++cu,设计一个原电池(1)写出电极反应(2)画出原电池的装置图 We often have____that we have to leave home a little earlier every dayA.so heavy a trafficB.such heavy traffic C.too heavy traffic D.so heavy traffic 第六题,对画线部分提问 1下列加点字的注音全部正确的一项是( ) 英语中“one by one "有没有单挑的意思?,我在一些没有查到这个意思.帮哈忙 谢谢@-@!~! 英语中 two by one 是多少?是二还是二分之一? 做文明深圳人,迎文明大运会怎么写作文,五年级,我不要范文 whole entire integrated的区别它们都有整个的意思,那它们有什么区别? too ruler cup读音不同的是那个? I sit in the front of the classroom as I can hear clearly.这句话对吗?为什么? sit at the back of the back 如下题,求大仙回答!65.4°=?’ 这题大仙们会吗? 成语"心旷神怡"出自唐代著名文学家范仲淹的不朽作品《岳阳楼记》 改病句 ——Where is Tom?——He__(see)her friends off at the bus station.适当形式填空 miss li is going ___ ___ tom at the station at six I__ __Tom at the station at six 14题, 求大仙帮我解决下这个数学问题吧!具体解题过程写一下,谢谢。。。 已知平面直角坐标系中 直线y=3分之根号3x+1与x轴交于点A(-根号3,0) 与y轴交于点b(0 1) 该直线与双线y=x分之2根号3在第三象限的交点为(-2根号3 -1) 且s三角形AOB=2分之根号3以BC为一边作 数学数学大仙 用动词的正确形式填空 怎么用动词的正确形式填空 On the afternoon,I arrived at the station.这是高中课本中的一句原话,可我们不都是说in the afternoon吗?为什么这里用on 好奇怪. On the afternoon I arrived at the station,as I was sorting out my accommodation,I heard a loud noise coming from the bay.We ran down to the shore in time to see an enormous animal opposite us throwing itself out of the water and then crashing down ag 生物题, , 求大仙帮忙.帮到怒赞啊!. 英语给下列动词以适当的形式填空.1.i _____(tell)that light travels much faster than sound.2.May these books_____(take )out of the reading room3.-who____the book___(write)by?——han han.4.two shows _____(organize)by them since last prin a,b,c 三题, 用下列框中所给动词的适当形式填空.read talk swim play wear sing 1.Tony likes music and he likes to _____2.Betty always ____ the piano on weekends.3.Let's ____ this magazine.4.Mike usually _____ to his friends 5.Amy is going to ____ in